Hey all,
I have been looking at getting my first Esox, but have been reading conflicting information. Some sites claim it to be a highly aggressive and fast moving predator, while others describe them as shy and best kept in a calmer environment. Does anyone have experience with this species that would be able to provide the following info?
1) Average growth rate
2) I am looking at an 8 - 9" specimen, would it be a threat to 6 -7" channel cat or a giraffe cat roughly 7"?
3) I have a Wallogonia micropogon about this same size, if possible it would be nice to house them as adults together. Would this be possible? (If not can move, but would be ideal)
4) If I decided to go long term with moving to an indoor pond, is this species known for jumping or tearing liners?
5) Is this species specifically cold water or can it tolerate sub tropical temps long term such as mid to upper 70s?
Aside from the Black Wallago the only other fish in the tank he would be growing out in are the following:
- Tiger Shovelnose 10" approx
- Lima Shovelnose 7" approx
- 2x Channel cats
- Giraffe Catfish 7" approx
- Black Wallago 9 - 10" approx
I worry given some sites make it sound like a goonch that will take bites out of the cats. While the Wallago I don't think could do anything to him, he did try to take a 5" Jardini when he was around 7" so I am concerned if his growth rate could outpace the Muskie.
I have been looking at getting my first Esox, but have been reading conflicting information. Some sites claim it to be a highly aggressive and fast moving predator, while others describe them as shy and best kept in a calmer environment. Does anyone have experience with this species that would be able to provide the following info?
1) Average growth rate
2) I am looking at an 8 - 9" specimen, would it be a threat to 6 -7" channel cat or a giraffe cat roughly 7"?
3) I have a Wallogonia micropogon about this same size, if possible it would be nice to house them as adults together. Would this be possible? (If not can move, but would be ideal)
4) If I decided to go long term with moving to an indoor pond, is this species known for jumping or tearing liners?
5) Is this species specifically cold water or can it tolerate sub tropical temps long term such as mid to upper 70s?
Aside from the Black Wallago the only other fish in the tank he would be growing out in are the following:
- Tiger Shovelnose 10" approx
- Lima Shovelnose 7" approx
- 2x Channel cats
- Giraffe Catfish 7" approx
- Black Wallago 9 - 10" approx
I worry given some sites make it sound like a goonch that will take bites out of the cats. While the Wallago I don't think could do anything to him, he did try to take a 5" Jardini when he was around 7" so I am concerned if his growth rate could outpace the Muskie.