Many cichlids have specific water parameters needed to spawn, and have fry survive
The Central Americans will usually breed in (and have fry survive in) in elevated pH, high mineral content, and higher levels of hardness

On the other hand, Oscars and A rivulatus come from softer, low mineral content, low pH waters of S America,
so they sometimes (most often) require just the opposite parameters to allow fry to surviive than their Central American counterparts.
For me, when breeding cichlids, after growing them out, and allowing them to select partners among themselves, I would give each mated pair its own 6 ft tank, and double up on water changes to provide seasonal cues.

Although I had some luck breeding some S Americans, my water was not always conducive to their specific needs, especially Amazonian soft water species.
I did have some luck with southern South Americans, that tolerated more alkaline conditions.

Beyond tank size, and allowing for proper mate selection within a group, water parameters can have a large influence on how thing go.
Auutraloheros, and Gymnogeophaus above.
Geophagus iporangunsus
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