Tips to stop a severum from eating plants

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MFK Member
Feb 18, 2016
Chicago area
This is my final resort for my severum or it's getting donated to a fish store. I'm cycling a 125 with tons of live plants which look great. My 5 inch severum is in my 56 with live plants which it feasts upon.

Is there absolutely anything I can do to stop or limit its destruction of plants? I made the choice that I prefee live plants so he will have to go if feedback on here says so.

He even nibbles at my anubias! Doesn't eat it but gets a kick out of destroying it.

It's a Heros severus severum. I feed it spriuluna flakes, carnivore pellets, shrimp pellets and bottom feeder wafers.
I don't think so my friend. I've never heard of a way to stop cichlids from eating or destroying plants. Some cichlids may be more or less prone to do so, but that's it. Unless some one else chimes in. Which I'm interested in finding out if there is a way.

Have you tried pouring some Tabasco on the leaves? XD
Yea you are S.O.L. I was going to suggest trying to be more selective with your plant species. For instance I've heard of people having loads of success keeping cichlids with java fern. But that's pretty much the only plant you could have. Then you mentioned that it was even eating your anubias...I don't think you're going to slow it down much. Sounds like it's back to the fish store for your little fella.
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I have heard before from someone i know that if you regularly feed them lettuce that they may quit eating the regular plants as they do not taste nearly as good.

My tank is overstocked with swords and my severums and silver dollars don't bother them much. They are too overwhelmed I guess lol.
Severum and many other cichlids (that look similar) such as pearsei, bocourti, and Etroplus suratensus are primarily or at least 50% vegetarian.
You can't fight mother nature.

Even ocean fish will come to shore and feast of leaves that are normally toxic to other animals. I watched a shoal of these eat any over hanging tree leaves
As others have said, some cichlids just like to eat and rip up plants, and there may not be any way around this with your particular fish. However, there are certain plants that most fish won't touch, like Java Fern (I've read it tastes pretty awful).

In addition, upping your feedings could potentially deter him from nipping at plants. You can feed him 2-3 times a day and provided he eats everything you put in the tank, there's no real harm done - you may just have to up your maintenance a bit.

I've found this method to work well in reef tanks with certain Angels that are notorious for eating coral. Feeding them more frequently and providing a wholesome and varied diet completely stopped them from nipping at coral.