turtles and oscars?

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MFK Member
Mar 9, 2009
I was sitting down and thinking of possibly tank mates for my oscar, and i was wondering if a baby turtle would be a fitting tank mate, their both semi aggressive and i was thinking if they both grew up in the same tank they would co-exist pretty happily and they could both eat feeder fish! just wondering if anyone had even thought of trying this out?
I have oscars with my snappers and they are great. Make sure the oscars are bigger, but not much so that the turtle won't get any ideas. Goodluck with the turtle. May I ask what species?
I have 2 african side neck turtles in a 30 gallon with an ornate bichir and a raphael cat, they get on fine. as long as the fish can get away from the turtles spot i dont see a problem seeing as turtles are slow moving. good luck with the mix!
Even though they're slow, might be surprised one day haha. Forgot to remind you that any fish you plan to put, always have in mind that they could be attacked
yeah, don't put your prize fish in with turtles. but depending on the species it will usually work. i keep my pacu and two channel catfish with six red ear sliders. i've also kept my snapper with fish before. keep in mind you should have a pretty oversized tank for this combonation though, and depending on the turtle you will probably have to have an area for him to get out of the water.

what species of turtle were you thinking?
my buddy is pretty good with turtles and has a few, he said the best community turtles are the mississippi map turtles and the red eared slider? he has a website he gets them off of. they would probably be about the same size when i got them the turtle maybe a little smaller about the size of a silver dollar is what his came as. i'm sure if i got rid of my hood and put on lamps and a floating dock it would be fine.
thats gonna be one nasty filter change.so the tutles sleep when the oscars do?because I can just see an oscar layin against a rock and the turd takin a test bite.
ShipOfFools37;2890807; said:

good place to buy turtles, will ship anywhere so i'm told.
First of that has to be one of the worse places to buy turtles. They send in baby red eared sliders with each pacage that are often sick and do VERY unetical things such as breeding no eyed turtles:screwy::irked:
Second like it was stated before it can be risky to keep turts and fish before (by the way DONT use feeders with turtles or oscars for that mater, both animals acept a very diverse variety of both prepareted and fresh foods and there is simply no need to risk them getting parasites or desiases from feeders, also some feeder fish like goldfish are simply not suited for being such, they are are rich in tyaminase wich bond with vit B and doesant allows it to being absorved, wich can have fatal consequenses in the long run) not only for the fish but also for the turt. Dont forget oscars have big mouths full of razor sharp teeth wich can easily kill a small turt particulary when oscars are agressive during breeding seazon;) If your going ahead make shure you have a very large tank as both animals are heavy eaters and so have alot of inpact on the water quality and shuse a largist turtle of a non violent species. Maybe a male cooter would be a good choice:popcorn: And do deep reserch on whatever species your getting;)