Hello all. I have a 220g tank with a 29g sump on it. It currently is stocked with 6 uaru, 3 severum, 8 dwarf smiley acara, 5 angels, and around a dozen cordydoras, plus 7 juvenile super red bristlenise plecos. The uaru and severum are betweem 5-6 inches i would say.
I would like to add in 2-3 more uaru in the future, even if that means getting rid of the severum. The pleco colony will be removed except for probably 1-2. Is the footprint (6x2x2.5) Appropriate for 8-9 adult uaru?
I plan and increasing the size of the sump to 55g and adding a drip system. I might also plumb in a 60g mangrove tank at some point as well. Otherwise, I do weekly 50% water changes and haven't had any issues with elevated nitrates.
Thanks for reading!

I would like to add in 2-3 more uaru in the future, even if that means getting rid of the severum. The pleco colony will be removed except for probably 1-2. Is the footprint (6x2x2.5) Appropriate for 8-9 adult uaru?
I plan and increasing the size of the sump to 55g and adding a drip system. I might also plumb in a 60g mangrove tank at some point as well. Otherwise, I do weekly 50% water changes and haven't had any issues with elevated nitrates.
Thanks for reading!