Hi, Folks.
An unexpected emergency forces me to leave home for a few days to a week.
How often to have the following fish fed?
Tank 1:
8" Silver arowana
7" bichir (Polypterus p. p.)
2 4 1/2" geophagus brasiliensis
5 1/2" hybrid parrot
4 5" bala sharks
8" common pleco
Because of the way I feed them, which I can't expect the person who will care for them to feed, there is a chance that the bichir will not get its favorite food, namely, freeze-dried krill and frozen bloodworms.
All the fish will likely be fed a mix of freeze dried krill, flakes, carnivore sticks, sinking and floating pellets.
I will be making small packets for the fish handler to feed to the fish.
1. How long can a 6" bichir go without food and still be healthy, assuming it does not like what I will leave for the fishsitter?
2. The arow may go crazy with the new fish-sitter, although it seems to be very placid as far as silver arowanas go:
2 (a) How long could it go without food and still be healthy?
2 (b) I assume there is the possibility that it will go after the other fish, if it is too hungry, is there not?
Minitank II:
I have isolated my son's betta because the poor fish has dropsy. I do not know whether the drosy is a symptom of a bacterial infection, a tumor, or what. It is a very small tank: one of those colorful 2 1/2 to 3 gallons deals, with a filter and pump. The fish still has an appetite and moves about, although its belly looks like a balloon and one side has developed a large blister. I am afraid that not changing the water for an entire week in such a small system will do the poor betta in, since he is already sick... Well, I guess I have no question to ask in the betta's case.
Any advice will be appreciated.
An unexpected emergency forces me to leave home for a few days to a week.
How often to have the following fish fed?
Tank 1:
8" Silver arowana
7" bichir (Polypterus p. p.)
2 4 1/2" geophagus brasiliensis
5 1/2" hybrid parrot
4 5" bala sharks
8" common pleco
Because of the way I feed them, which I can't expect the person who will care for them to feed, there is a chance that the bichir will not get its favorite food, namely, freeze-dried krill and frozen bloodworms.
All the fish will likely be fed a mix of freeze dried krill, flakes, carnivore sticks, sinking and floating pellets.
I will be making small packets for the fish handler to feed to the fish.
1. How long can a 6" bichir go without food and still be healthy, assuming it does not like what I will leave for the fishsitter?
2. The arow may go crazy with the new fish-sitter, although it seems to be very placid as far as silver arowanas go:
2 (a) How long could it go without food and still be healthy?
2 (b) I assume there is the possibility that it will go after the other fish, if it is too hungry, is there not?
Minitank II:
I have isolated my son's betta because the poor fish has dropsy. I do not know whether the drosy is a symptom of a bacterial infection, a tumor, or what. It is a very small tank: one of those colorful 2 1/2 to 3 gallons deals, with a filter and pump. The fish still has an appetite and moves about, although its belly looks like a balloon and one side has developed a large blister. I am afraid that not changing the water for an entire week in such a small system will do the poor betta in, since he is already sick... Well, I guess I have no question to ask in the betta's case.
Any advice will be appreciated.