Wat is the difference between Midas and Red Devil?

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MFK Member
Jun 23, 2009
New Orleans
I've been to different LFS and have seen fish labeled as Midas and Red Devil and they look exactly the same! Is it just different name for the same fish or is there some difference that I'm not seeing?
they have been bred together for a long time so the kind you get at Petsmart etc is just a hybrid. If you want a real labiatus (devil) or citrinellum (midas) go to a reputable seller like Ken Davis or Rapps.
Also, look through members. posts on both. Problem with Rapp's pictures is their all juvies. The fish in my avi is a perfect example of a Midas as he is an adult. As Juvies, all Amphilophus look similar at the juvi stage.

"True Red Devils"

True Citrinellus

If you want to look through my videos, I have my old large male too.

Lips are a big part of it. Labiatus means "lips". Red Devils have longer snouts and larger pointer lips, though as they go from F0-F2 their lips tend to shrink through generations. From above, their lips and snout look like a "V". They also have a more slender build and their "Nacual Humps" don't get as larger. Also ussually top out at 12" for a male.

Midas have rounder mouths and smaller lips. From above, their snout and lips look more like a "U". Their Nachual humps also get larger as do they. A male can top out around 14". They tend to be Bulkier, taller, and just more solid all way around. For the new person to the hobby, they would think "red devil's" are more popular because of the name and alot of the times even Midas get confused as Red Devil's. Infact, on everysite you visit more will own a type of Midas then a Red Devil.
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Either way they're great fish to grow out. In fact I still can't go to Petsmart and not buy a Rd/Midas. I'd love eventually love to get a true F0
Either way they're great fish to grow out. In fact I still can't go to Petsmart and not buy a Rd/Midas. I'd love eventually love to get a true F0

Pet supplies plus by my house has RD or possibly Midas but not sure if it's a regular fish .. check out their website.. also Tampa Bay cichlids may have them
This thread is 9 years old, the only true way to tell the difference between them. Is everything one touches turns to gold, and the other gives away gold fiddles in contests.
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