Water trough for Fish?

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 4, 2010
Im really wanting to get some stingrays and other big fish but Im looking into buying a water trough or one of those hard plastic ponds to make it easy. Anyone have opinions on if this will work. Im not sure if you can still use the same heating and filter as you do in an aquarium.
I'm using a 150 gal rubbermade horse trough for a sump on my pond I know you can get them in 300 gal
I used to keep my RTC in a huge plastic horse trough when he outgrew his 150 aquarium. I used the same types of filters and heaters at first and had no problems. The only thing I did different, just as a precaution, was placing the heaters inside bricks so they would never come into direct contact with the plastic. I don't know if it was necessary but I figured the alternative would be much, much worse.
I've actually used 3 different sizes for my rays.. 40 gal Rubbermaid for acclimating new rays, and 150 & 300 for housing them when i moved from one house to another as a temp tank for them.. They work great i think.. :) You can get creative with plumbing and use bulkheads and and stuff or just run your filtration right over the rim of the tub, it's just up to you on that one.. :)
Yeah, it's just a body of water. Normal heaters and filters work fine unless you're talking outdoors or some other confounding factors. I'm running a 210 gallon pond in a shipping container with an Aquaclear 110, and magnum HOT and a homemade top filter, with a group of three heaters. Works great, I just vacuum the bottom well.
Awesome good to know Im thinking I will get the 300Gallon.
I'm going to do this too I seen some really nice 180 g tubs for like 60 bucks but I wanna find like a 300-500g

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I've been toying with this idea as well but more of a grow out tank to get fish up to size for the display tank.

Anyone use the metal 450g through? I found one for really cheap