what are tank mates for snakeheads?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 23, 2006
unda the sea
so i have a 8 inch snakehead and a 8 inch spotted gar i was wondering what else can i get with my tank because i want some more fish but the aggression of my sh wont let me like i tried a mbu puffer and my snakehead kept on raming it so it cant be in the tank so i need a different one i was wondering if rays can live with the snakehead but yeah i just want more variety with the fish and its kinda hard doing that with the SH soo any ideas? forget about the ray because my tanks not htat wide but anyways keep on giving me ideas

ohh one of my ideas is a 8 inch jardini?
;) :D
I love Red Snakeheads, used to have a few, but your not going to like my answer. Probably nothing, and I wouldn't be surprised at some point if it doesn't kill your Gar. Secondly, an 85 gallon is way too small for a Redline SH, he'll grow out of that in another 4-6 months....
I concur with Scottfree. Chances are anything you put in with the red will get battered and/or eaten. And, the older it gets, the harder it will be to introduce new tankmates.

BTW, if you're going to say you're from someplace other than...oh, I don't know...the states, you may want to spell your adopted virtual country correctly. (ZimbAbwE)
im getting a 150 for my snakhead soo it can just sit in there
i saw a snakhead witha arowana i though but i think it was having an
aggression war
stotty said:
Don’t do it :swear:
:swear:ing thing killed a snakehead twice his size problem being snakehead is a air breather if it gives it a belt it can drown. I know.

Yea true. I forgot snakeheads are air breathers... maybe some kind of armoured fish but i dont know.
Something much bigger and more aggressive than a snakehead...like a...person?