Just to clarify...
In your 75 gal now, you have a Severum, a Krib and a Convict. And you're asking what else to add.
Looking at the tank, I'd fill it up all the way. You're losing 10-12 gallons keeping it that low. The upper few inches is less valuable real estate to our Cichlids who generally prefer the aquarium floor, but you're also giving up 15% of you're water volume to dilute waste. Though, in all honesty, it's not a big deal now as your fish are still small.
As the fish grow, that Krib isn't going to like life. He's simply in a lower weight class than the other two.
Severum are great fish, I have 3 of them. But they're hard to plan for. Most are fairly docile for medium growth Cichlids, but a fair number become territorial d*cks.
Convicts are big hate in a small package. If they can kill it, they usually will. But they are small enough they often can't. But they always want to.
I'd rehome the Krib sooner rather than later. Assuming you're going to stick with the medium growing more aggressive Cichlids you already have.
If you do that... Its easier to balance aggression between 3 Cichlids than 2. So it does make sense to add a third. Temperament wise, an Oscar would work, but that's a lot of fish to be adding. A Female Dempsey would be more likely to work than a male. And Dempseys are easier to sex when small than most others (females have blue refractive smudge on their gill plates, males have pale gill plates though sometimes have spangles. Identifying the difference between refractive smudges and spangles is hard to convey in words). A male is less likely to work, but possible if they're raised together. The body shape difference between the Dempsey and Severum might be enough to prevent issues. But, might not.
In all honesty, the Cichlid game is a bit of a crap shoot sometimes. If you started ten 75 gal tanks and put a Severum, Dempsey and Convict in each one... a few would work and a few wouldn't. Which is one of the reasons so many of us have 17 tanks. We started with one, fish didn't get along so we needed another tank. Again, and again.