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What size tank is best?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
I held off on getting a clown knife fish from my lfs. I really liked this fish, but when the store owner told me they can get to 90cm, I decided my 30 gallon tank wouldn't do the trick. So I held off until I could get another much larger tank.

Now what size tank would be best? I was thinking a 150-200. I like the taller styles vs. the long. However I heard you should get a tank 6 X's longer than the fish is at maturity. That would put a tank at an impossible 18' or so. What do you think would be a good tank?
a 150 and 200 should be fine. how big was the guy at the lfs. if there not that big i would put them in the tank you have know and start to power feed him and then when he is big put him in a bigger tank. thats what im gonna do
First of all welcome to MFK!!
Clown knives can get that big, but its rare that they live long enough to.
I currently have 2 in a 300 and they will be fine for quite some time. From my experience when they hit the 1 foot mark they grow fairly slowly. If the tank is as wide as the fish, and 2 times a long the fish will be ok (bare minimum)....but bigger is always better. to properly house a full grown clown knife youre going to need a lot more than a 200 tall. They will be able to live comfortably for quite some time in a 200 though. Dimensions are more important that actual gallons, though they do go hand in hand.
Thank you for the welcome. the clown knife is about 4" at the lfs. And I thought about getting it and transferring it when I got the bigger tank. However, I am not 100 percent on the fact that I will be able to spring for a 200 g. tank as soon as I want. And i don't want to handycap the fish if it has to stay in such a small tank for too long. I read that they grow really fast for awhile, and then slow down after a bit. If money looks good this summer getting it now will definately be a good idea.
Lund said:
Thank you for the welcome. the clown knife is about 4" at the lfs. And I thought about getting it and transferring it when I got the bigger tank. However, I am not 100 percent on the fact that I will be able to spring for a 200 g. tank as soon as I want. And i don't want to handycap the fish if it has to stay in such a small tank for too long. I read that they grow really fast for awhile, and then slow down after a bit. If money looks good this summer getting it now will definately be a good idea.

Thats good to hear! I'm glad you respect the fish. I was in a store listening to a guy argue with the employees that a clown knife will "only grow as big as the tank" Well, that my be true because it will DIE in a small tank. I have a 16" clown knife that was in a 29 gallon tank. had been its whole life. Sure, the tank was still bigger but does that make it right? anyway.....he is happy now lol.
What kind of tank were you thinking about growing him out in?
bigger is better
Clown Knives are my favorite fish! I'm glad you're taking the consideration of the fish's size and not rushing into an impulse buy (which I know a lot of us are guilty of).
As far as the tall tank goes, I was told to look at a tank like a house. Valted ceilings may look nice, but it's the square footage that make it livable. LOL. I wan't to get the absolute largest tank that I can get. I really wan't no less than 125 glns. And above 200, the demensions, and if I can fit it in a good spot will determine that. I am willing to go with a long tank if it's better for the fish. I was just thinking of the amount of wall room I will have for it.

I do have to give my lfs owner alot of credit though. She actually talked me out of getting the clown knife. She could easily have just made the sale, taken the money, and hope the fish out-lived the warranty. But instead she made me rethink the morality of getting it, and possible condeming it to a small tank.
That is rare, but a good sign of a fish store. Tell her I said thanks, and tell her to join MFK!! lol