What to feed baby crayfish?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 17, 2010
The babies just started leaving mom and I'm curious what should I feed them?
Similar food as the adults but crushed down to smaller pieces. I used a lot of high protein flake foods for the first couple of molts, and when they were a bit larger started using pre-soaked veggie pellets and frozen bloodworms.
Thanks I'll try that.
Do you think I should seperate the mom? In case she decides to make a meal of them?
black_sun;4662851; said:
Similar food as the adults but crushed down to smaller pieces. I used a lot of high protein flake foods for the first couple of molts, and when they were a bit larger started using pre-soaked veggie pellets and frozen bloodworms.

Should I separate them from mom? I know the fry can be cannibalistic, but will mom eat her young?
Yes, mom will eat the offspring if given a chance, so will siblings. They will eat just about anything including each other and especially while molting. Most times its while molting because they are basically defenseless and very weak at this time, make sure to leave the molted shell in the tank to be consumed by them.
They still only like 1/5th the size of a dime. When will they start eating each other/ when should I start to separate them?
Younglin;4666490; said:
They still only like 1/5th the size of a dime. When will they start eating each other/ when should I start to separate them?

You don't have to seperate any of them. I have a 55 gallon with 20+ crays. One is about to release babies. If they're fed enough, they'll leave one another alone. I feed algae wafers, cucumbers, "crab delight" (something like that lol) and the occasional flakes and cichlid pellets. Make sure you have TONS of hiding spaces among rocks, plants etc. Anything for them to hide in. I even have a bunch of pvc pipe in their tank. Oh, I also have about 40 cherry shrimp and 2 small bristlenose plecos in the tank. They're all left alone by the crays.
I put the mom back in the tank but all the babies hatched in a 5 gallon tub. I'm keeping them in there because they would definitely be eaten in any of my other tanks. I have a bigger tub I can put them into if they start eating each other though.