I have a couple zebra Danios in a 40 gal breeder with a pair of jack dempsey's that have some fry, they aren't quite free swimming yet but I was wondering if the Danios could possibly eat the fry at night or maybe when the fry are free swimming?
Yes, if my giant danios are anything to go by they will eat some of the fry once they are free swimming. Depending on how many you have though that could be a blessing and it will be some good nutrition for the danios.
You could try adding a divider to keep the danios in one area of the tank or once the fry get big enough you can start like a 10 or 20 gallon to use as a growout tank. I would let the parents handle it though, if they are good some will survive.
Hello; Danios eat their own eggs and fry so why not the fry of other fish.
I have five brilliant rasboras in a tank with a breeding pair of angel fish. I put the rasboras in a short while back to see if their presence might trigger a stronger parental response in the angels. The angels have spawned several times but were eating the eggs after a few days. They are on the second batch of eggs since adding the rasboras and a few wrigglers were still around today.
Not sure how this will play out but the rasboras currently leave the wrigglers alone.