Shortnose Gar
-Approx. size 14 inches
Purchase size and date
6 inches on 8/25/2010
1x-Hoplias Curupira/ Black Xingu Wolf-9 inches
co-hab together for 2 months
1x Lepisosteus Platyrhincus/ Florida Gar-12 inches
co-hab together for 8 months
1x-Hydrolycus Armatus/ Saber-Tooth Tetra-12 inches
co-hab together for 8 months
2x Amphilophus Lyonsi/ Breeding Pair-Male-12 inches,
Female-9 inches
co-hab together for 5 months
2x-Trachycorystes Trachycorystes-12 inches
co-hab together for 8 months
1x-Pimelodus Ornatus/ Ornate Pim-8 inches
co-hab together for 6 months
1x-Achara/Shovelnose Hybrid-14 inches
co-hab together for 8 months
-Presently he eats a varied diet of Cichlid Gold, Massivore Delight, Frozen Krill,
Market Shrimp and Frozen Rat Pups
Of all the tankmates the only one that I have a problem keeping with the Gars is the Pimelodus Ornatus. The Pim's quick, jerky constant motions spook all the fish in the tank with the exception of the Armatus.