Bird Nests - When You Realize You Have A Bird Nest on Your Porch

Cich Mind

MFK Member
Feb 28, 2021
Wow The Masked Shadow The Masked Shadow ,
That's a lot of different birds on your property! I would love to see that much wildlife in my backyard. The only bird I see nesting are Robins. I also see Hummingbirds sometimes. There are a variety of birds on the feeders. I found a rabbits nest in my yard about a week ago. They are so tiny and cute, the three of them. I've been feeding them carrots, apples and bananas. The only other nests I see are way up in the trees, that being squirrels and racoons.

The Masked Shadow

Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jul 19, 2020
Southern California (San Diego)
Ill try to get a video of them. We have rabbits all over. And coyotes. The coyotes are a massive problem. We have lost 2 cats because of them. So we bring our cats in at night (and trained them to come at there name like a dog). A few months ago, I woke up at 4 to go fishing and I sit down , and I hear a loud crack and a scuffle. I look out the window, and a Coyote bit Peter Cottontail in half :(. This is one of the reasons we don't have a small dog. We used to, and he got lured into a coyote trap, but survived with a vicious bite to the leg. The coyotes also get nesting birds. We watched one spook a Mourning Dove, and narrowly missed it. Anyway, I can get a video showing you guys the birds around our house. After school.
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POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
Ill try to get a video of them. We have rabbits all over. And coyotes. The coyotes are a massive problem. We have lost 2 cats because of them. So we bring our cats in at night (and trained them to come at there name like a dog). A few months ago, I woke up at 4 to go fishing and I sit down , and I hear a loud crack and a scuffle. I look out the window, and a Coyote bit Peter Cottontail in half :(. This is one of the reasons we don't have a small dog. We used to, and he got lured into a coyote trap, but survived with a vicious bite to the leg. The coyotes also get nesting birds. We watched one spook a Mourning Dove, and narrowly missed it. Anyway, I can get a video showing you guys the birds around our house. After school.
Coyotes by me too. Found a dead, half eaten one on my lawn...


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
Ill try to get a video of them. We have rabbits all over. And coyotes. The coyotes are a massive problem. We have lost 2 cats because of them. So we bring our cats in at night (and trained them to come at there name like a dog). A few months ago, I woke up at 4 to go fishing and I sit down , and I hear a loud crack and a scuffle. I look out the window, and a Coyote bit Peter Cottontail in half :(. This is one of the reasons we don't have a small dog. We used to, and he got lured into a coyote trap, but survived with a vicious bite to the leg. The coyotes also get nesting birds. We watched one spook a Mourning Dove, and narrowly missed it. Anyway, I can get a video showing you guys the birds around our house. After school.
I wanna see video of Peter being bitten in half!
  • Haha
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MFK Member
Jan 6, 2018
Canada eh
My current place has those doves and they took a nest in a crappy position on a neighbour’s window sill. A big wind gust came and knocked it down, and all the eggs were crushed :rip

we also have a woodpecker that likes to peck on another neighbour’s metal satellite stand every morning.:wall:

often we see blue jays and cardinals around which is pretty neat. Might have to keep a pellet gun on hand to protect them from the neighbourhood cats. Lol.

my old house had a crazy issue with coyotes and bobcats, right inside the city. I took a video of a bobcat across the street from my house and warned a neighbour lady who had several children that were all prey sized for the cat. She almost too seriously offered for me to take the smallest one as an offering. Lol. Then that night another neighbour showed me a video of the bobcat hiding under my truck.

If you look really close you can see it smiling at me in the bush


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
Found robin egg shells on the property. No visible nest yet though.