Escondido breeders!!


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 31, 2005
cool good luck with the fry dude. ive got **** load of fry my self. how oftern you do small watter changes on fry tank by the way


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
To be honest, not terribly often at all, and I still do it pretty normal, 1/4 to 1/2 change. I've had some batches grow out at normal rates, healthy without touching the water, just adding for a month at a time.....but my water does evap fast here in FL. and the filter is about triple the needed. I do have to put filter floss round the filter head though.....


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Matter of fact, was at my lfs....or local fish shack is kinda more what it looks like and I was in his breeding lab (I'm special there, I should just work there...haha) he just has an airfed sponge filter and they don't look like they've been cleaned in a really friekin long time. I try to let the biologics do a lot of work so nothing is too stressful or gets fouled up. If it ain't broke, don't fix it mentality I guess.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 31, 2005
i do 1/4 to 1/2 watter changes on the fresh fry till they about a month or so old Everyone i talked to says it helps them grow faster i duno if it does or not but seems to work good for me. i also use a air powerd filter im useing one them litle blue box type filters when you buyt them they come with a cartidge type filter in it i removed the cartidge and stuck the sponge from a ac200 in it and used rubber bands to keep it from popping open on me seems to work real good. Im about to split the fry up or move them to my 75 gal havent decided. When i grew my last batch of jag fry out i had soem in 5 gal eclipse at half inch size they got sucked threw the gaps in the filtewr intake tube and cloged the impeller couldnt beleve it . Filter floss is a breeder best friend