Semilabeo obscurus


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MFK Member
Feb 13, 2007
Bronx, NYC
Just got this guy and some other fish from Rod at Predatoryfins. He's still settling in but he seems skittish to me. I do like that he hops around like a Goby or Retroculus. Retroculus are actually one of my dream fish.



Global Moderator
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Global Moderator
MFK Member
Feb 13, 2007
Bronx, NYC
Update on the obscurus. I had originally had him in a tank with a Tachysurus ussuriensis and other cats but the ussuriensis hasn't taken well to new additions as of late. He targeted the Albino Yarrelli which I got around 8 months ago but the Yarrelli was able to take care of himself so the mild harassment by the ussuriensis ceased. Then about a month ago I got a Platinum RTC/TSN hybrid and the ussuriensis also shadowed and occasionally snapped at him but then that stopped in about a week.

The introduction of the obscurus didn't goes as well. The obscurus was far more easily spooked and that seemed to encourage the ussuriensis to be more assertive. In short order the obscurus was damaged in several areas of his body and occasionally banging into things whenever anything got close. So I moved him to another tank with 2 Pac-Mans/Lophiosilurus alexandri a Franciscodoras marmoratus some Rhinodoras dorbignyi and Ossubtus xinguense. He's settling in well now but to my surprise is occasionally half-heartedly giving short chase to the xinguense. Nothing serious, no snapping involved and no prolonged pursuit but unexpected to me. Other than that it's an interesting fish. Its eyes are always studying me when I approach, he's not intimidated by me that I can tell. The obscurus sometimes hides, sometimes sits out in the open on the bottom, other times perches on ornaments and will hop around other times or sometimes swim mid water. As primarily a catfish keeper his movement adds much appreciated by me activity to my tank. Most of my catfish are rarely active except during feedings or occasional patrols.