new fish

  1. U

    Lungfish colour change?

    I recently got two lungfish one is fine but the other turned pale in colour is this a bad sign?
  2. quasar

    Fahaka far!

    Hey everyone! So this new year I decided to convert my 125G to be the dedicated home of my new Fahaka puffer, Bloat. There's one roommate for now which is an L096 Pleco (I say for now not because I'm going to add more, mainly I'll remove her if there's trouble). I got the Puffer on Jan 1 (yes...
  3. Jush

    Arowana Knifefish???

    Hi, one of my local fish shops has just told me they're getting Arowana Knife fish in this week, but what the hell is an Arowana knife fish? Ive done some reading and come across them being called marble or pom pom knife fish but is this true? What I want to know is how big they get, their...
  4. RubyRuby234

    My New Electric Blue Texas Cichlid!!!

    Say hello to Turquiose!! She is my new Electric Blue Texas Cichlid!!! She is beautiful and a little stinker! My other fish were following her all day yesterday it was so cute! She ate right away, and seems to be fitting in well with a sub group of my fish in the tank! So happy!! Happy Birthday...
  5. PGJE

    any suggestions for community tank fish?

    I'm going to upgrade my turtles tank soon and free up my 50 gallon, so i was planning to move my angelfish, dwarf gourami, cory's and danios into it. i'm then going to add 2 more angelfish. If thats not fully stocked already, are there any other types of small fish that would be good in a 50...
  6. Zack333

    My fish were wiped by an internal parasite what next?

    A little over two months ago I got my first set of African peacocks and haps all juvenile males. Just two weeks ago I noticed what seemed to be symptoms of an internal parasite (lathargic fish, not eating, long stringy white poop). I took the charcoal out of the filter and dosed with prazipro...
  7. R

    Not Testing Water Before Housing Fish

    I was told that i didn’t need to test the water before housing fish in a new freshwater aquarium - so I haven’t been able to test the ammonia, nitrite or nitrate levels yet, however I have placed fish in the aquarium. I added Fluval products like water conditioner and biological enhancer before...
  8. Dgmannn412

    Porcupine puffer problems?

    I have recently aquired a porc puffer from my lfs. I had them qt the fish in a sterile copper treated system for 3 weeks. The cloud or abrasion look to it's eyes were clear it was swimming randomly through the tank not sitting or pacing. It was making valiant efforts at feeding. I brought it...
  9. Dgmannn412

    Porcupine puffer problems?

    I have recently aquired a porc puffer from my lfs. I had them qt the fish in a sterile copper treated system for 3 weeks. The cloud or abrasion look to it's eyes were clear it was swimming randomly through the tank not sitting or pacing. It was making valiant efforts at feeding. I brought it...
  10. AG458

    Stocking Adjustment Question

    As the owner of three potential giants (CK, pbass, black ear pangasius) and a medium-sized pleco, I've been told my 60g is overstocked. As of now, everyone in my tank is doing well; none of my fish are over 7 inches. I wish I could keep them all, but my tank limits my options. I am looking at an...
  11. M

    New Blue Dolphin Acclimation

    So, we bought a new blue dolphin (we presume female, but it's so hard to tell) and a new yellow lab for our tank. We purposefully got a blue dolphin the size of our other 3 in hopes that it might acclimate better. The other 3 blue dolphins have grown up from very young juveniles for almost 2...
  12. R

    New Fish Suggestions?

    Hello, I am looking to add a unique fish to an existing tank (in memory of a passed relative). Would love some recommendations. Would prefer a single fish, but am open to suggestions that involve pairs or schools. Thank you! Tanks specs: - 125 gallon (70x18) - semi heavily planted - PFS...
  13. G

    New Jag pair

    Hi I recently purchased a new pair of Jaguar cichlids, the female look great and strong, even laid eggs in the lfs. The male seems thin and slightly tilts to one side when swimming. They are both eating well, so far some mysis shrimp and some talapia chunk's and some raw shrimp. They are alone...
  14. Mvrenko

    White specs

    Hello, I recently added 2 angel rams into my tank. I noticed that both of them have developed very small white specs. Should I be concerned for my other fish? What are these white specs? Thanks!
  15. R

    Finally into discus

    Hi Everyone, Finally jumped into discus keeping - just wanted to share the new guys I got. The fishes have been in the tank for 2 weeks now and are eating like pigs. Daily 30% water changes are keeping them happy. Any comments/suggestions appreciated :)
  16. Lil g

    Hard decision..

    Ok guys I'm going to That Pet Place/Fish place tomorrow and I can't decide on these 2 fish I want. I'm confused as to get a Cuban Cichlid (I've wanted one forever now).. Or a Texas cichlid! ( they are so pretty) I would prefer a red Texas ciclid but they are out of stock... So my decision is on...
  17. freshfishin727

    New 10" marbled male, "my first"

    Got my first FW ray the past Wednesday , not eating , lights off, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20-30
  18. Kaia

    Help! Velvet? Ich? Parasites?

    75 gal set up in January using the filter and water from the 35gL fish were fine until added the 4 new rainbows I received for Valentine's Day - which I added without quarantining ;( big mistake never had a bad fish from this store before and didn't have a quarantine tank set up at our new...
  19. kim91

    Feeding small fish on a 130gallon tank

    I just bought a 130gallon tank and i have 2 silver dollars 2 red bellied pacu, 1 clown knifefish and a baby RTC, how do i feed them? the tank is so big and every time i come near the tank they all swim away and hide from me. What's wrong with my fishes? please help. Thanks