best foods for snakeheads


Ole Dawg
MFK Member
Dec 28, 2006
Very much south..
Depending on size, why not let it starve for a while?

I would stick to pellets. What kind has it been eating? Massivore?


MFK Member
Jun 8, 2007
I find better growth with my fish if they eat pellets. I have some Indo's that only eat frozen and some that only eat pellets. The ones eating pellets grow faster as is the same with my pbass. My Channa Diplogramma eat all kinds of pellets but really love the hikari sticks. I am glad I don't have to feed them frozen as they are in a tank with a pair of Haitian cichlids that can get bloat if they eat too much or if their diet is too high in protein. Once your snakehead is eating something constantly then try starving it for a few days and try pellets. If it doesn't work go back to what it's eating and then next time try starving it longer and then try pellets. Eventually it should start eating pellets.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
I am glad I don't have to feed them frozen as they are in a tank with a pair of Haitian cichlids that can get bloat if they eat too much or if their diet is too high in protein.
Blkpiranha ........ if you're going to keep Haits, especially in a mixed tank, you might want to read the following past discussion on the subject of bloat. It's seldom caused by diet, and even when diet may be a trigger, excess protein won't be the cause. Personally I would not mix Haits with anything, and certainly not snakeheads.

As far as feeding snakeheads, I prefer pellets for ease, and more importantly for balanced nutrition. If you're going to feed smelt as the main staple I would recommend either stuffing a few high quality pellets into each smelt before feeding, or supplementing by presoaking your smelt in a liquid vitamin such as Boyd Vitachem. Doing so a few times a week will help prevent any potential vitamin & trace mineral deficiencies, and will also help boost the immune system of your fish.


Ole Dawg
MFK Member
Dec 28, 2006
Very much south..
Mine only got pellets. Was rather easy, considering the peer pressure in the tank.
In my monster tank everybody eats.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 23, 2012
Nova Scotia Canada
if you really get stuck BLOODWORM are awesome and depending on the size of your channa i guess. My Diplogramma love Krill,Bloodworms,Mealworms and im yet to get the massiovre pellets ate too tho.... no luck yet.


MFK Member
Jun 8, 2007
Blkpiranha ........ if you're going to keep Haits, especially in a mixed tank, you might want to read the following past discussion on the subject of bloat. It's seldom caused by diet, and even when diet may be a trigger, excess protein won't be the cause. Personally I would not mix Haits with anything, and certainly not snakeheads.
Why is everything you post either controversial or has something to do with trying to school someone on fish keeping practices?
Keep your opinions to yourself as I will still be keeping my black nasty with my snakeheads until such a time I decide to sell them or move them. The topic was "best food for snakeheads". I discussed what I fed my snakeheads as per topic. Now we are off topic! Sorry guys!
I don't need to try and be schooled by the 'want to be know it all" on the topic of bloat. I have been keeping fish for 23years(had every fish under the sun) and I don't really care what you have to say as I will continue to not overfeed my fish and feed a lower type of protein diet in this tank as that is what works for me. Go ahead and raise some odos to adulthood on a frozen food only tank like smelts,shrimp, etc which is the food that snakeheads like and will eat and tell me how that works out for you! I bought my odos on a whim as they were paired up in a tank at the lfs and were dirt cheap. They are now proliferating in my tank and fry will be hatching soon. All without the help of NLS! LOL


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Well golly Trevor, you almost hurt my little itty bitty feelings. :ROFL:

Hopefully anyone else that reads my previous comment won't be as childish and ignorant as you. I have underwear that's older than you have been keeping fish, so what? Am I to be impressed by how many fish you have bought & sold over the past several years? How many Haits have you raised to adult hood? Post that same comment over in the CA/SA folder & you'll get the same advice that I just gave. Don't like the advice, no problem, I'm not holding a gun to anyones head, including yours so fee free to ignore it. It was just some friendly advice.

BTW - had you actually read (and absorbed) what I posted, I wasn't suggesting that anyone should raise their snakeheads on frozen. The adult pleuros that I currently own were raised on pellets.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2011
sorry rd i didnt mean anything by it i wish i could have got my boys on pelletts when they were smaller but i honestly never thought of the costs . but now in my experiances pelletts would have been alot better . but i find that the smelts in bulk are quite cheep. sorry if i offended anyone but i was just telling on my experiance as to what i feed mine .


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
LOL, not you Trevor - the other Trevor. (Blkpiranha)

Either way I'm not offended by what anyone feeds, or anything else that they do with their fish, in their fishroom. My only reason for responding to the bloat comment made by Blkpiranha is that it's based on very old & outdated data. I don't see any point in living in the past, and repeating some of that old outdated info certainly isn't helping advance this hobby any.


Ole Dawg
MFK Member
Dec 28, 2006
Very much south..
Why is everything you post either controversial or has something to do with trying to school someone on fish keeping practices?
Keep your opinions to yourself as I will still be keeping my black nasty with my snakeheads until such a time I decide to sell them or move them. The topic was "best food for snakeheads". I discussed what I fed my snakeheads as per topic. Now we are off topic! Sorry guys!
I don't need to try and be schooled by the 'want to be know it all" on the topic of bloat. I have been keeping fish for 23years(had every fish under the sun) and I don't really care what you have to say as I will continue to not overfeed my fish and feed a lower type of protein diet in this tank as that is what works for me. Go ahead and raise some odos to adulthood on a frozen food only tank like smelts,shrimp, etc which is the food that snakeheads like and will eat and tell me how that works out for you! I bought my odos on a whim as they were paired up in a tank at the lfs and were dirt cheap. They are now proliferating in my tank and fry will be hatching soon. All without the help of NLS! LOL
A tottally uncalled for tone, BlkPiranha! This is no way, under any theory whatosever, to participate in a public forum.