New BP owner - I am chicken of the Sea!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 20, 2024
Long time aquarist keeping smaller fish (biggest was Bolivian ram)

Set up a 75 gallon that housed large school of tiger barbs (x28). Planted tank getting established, up since January. Cycled.

Just adopted two unwanted blood parrots this past weekend, approx 4 years old. I think a male and female but not 100% sure. They seem to be in good condition. I added two large flower pots for caves. I tried to get in as much info about them in the few weeks before picking them up but was simply not prepared for the Jekyll and Hyde behaviour of the bigger one.

They totally ignore the barbs so far. They are sometimes shy and understandably skittish if I approach too quickly but do come to the front of the tank without fear most of the time, especially at feeding time. The female will take food from my hand, the male not quite yet. They certainly don’t HAVE to eat from my hand but I like building the trust (if that’s actually what I’m accomplishing!)

Anyway, the male seems tentative, but if I put my hand in the tank for any reason other than food, he will charge me. Scares the crap out of me (allergic to pain). How hard can they bite? I’ve read people saying they draw blood, others say they can’t close their mouths so can’t bite hard. Which is it?

Lastly, is it helpful to bluff him back with my hand to make him back off, better to stand my ground and stay still, or keep doing what I have, which uttering a choice expletive and have my hands running for the hills?



POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
Welcome to the forum!
I wouldn’t be too worried about getting bit. In most cases, they simply lack the machinery to do damage. Mine had tried biting me once and all he accomplished was ramming my hand. That said, they are one of those fish that vary a lot by the individual. Some have functional mouths, most don’t.
If you’re really worried, a thick glove will work. I use one for my red wolf fish (a bite from him would probably need stitches, but even he’s learned to ignore me once he found out he can’t eat me).
I’ll wave my hand at fish to scare them away. It works for some, others like my clownfish laugh and continue to draw blood. Most fish are scared enough of the big hand in the water and steer clear.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 20, 2024
Thanks Deadeye. I just looked up red wolf fish and I can see a bite would be a trip to Emergency! Yikes. That is quite a fish! You are far braver than I am (almost embarrassed to join Monster Fishkeepers when it seems mine can only lip me off LOL)

I will try the glove so I can stop being such a baby about it and gain some confidence.

Thank you again for your warm welcome and helpful reply!
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MFK Member
Nov 28, 2022
Welcome to the forum!! Nice looking parrots. Like Deadeye Deadeye said it kind of varies on the individual parrot if they can bite or not. I believe I’ve seen a few with teeth but I don’t think a lot do. I know for sure mine wouldn’t try and bite me he’s kinda timid.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 20, 2024
Thanks Americancichlidsaredabest Americancichlidsaredabest ! They really do have their own personalities, so different from the other schooling fish I’ve had. My Bolivian rams had distinct personalities but were so shy compared to these two. They make me laugh watching them, so derpy and engaging.

I’m glad you think they look good - I wasn’t 100% sure why the guy I got them from was rehoming them - all he said was he was taking his tank down and would I take them. He sent me pics but it’s like Internet dating, right? Not sure until you see them in person LOL.

Thanks for the quick and helpful reply and warm welcome!


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Long time aquarist keeping smaller fish (biggest was Bolivian ram)

Set up a 75 gallon that housed large school of tiger barbs (x28). Planted tank getting established, up since January. Cycled.

Just adopted two unwanted blood parrots this past weekend, approx 4 years old. I think a male and female but not 100% sure. They seem to be in good condition. I added two large flower pots for caves. I tried to get in as much info about them in the few weeks before picking them up but was simply not prepared for the Jekyll and Hyde behaviour of the bigger one.

They totally ignore the barbs so far. They are sometimes shy and understandably skittish if I approach too quickly but do come to the front of the tank without fear most of the time, especially at feeding time. The female will take food from my hand, the male not quite yet. They certainly don’t HAVE to eat from my hand but I like building the trust (if that’s actually what I’m accomplishing!)

Anyway, the male seems tentative, but if I put my hand in the tank for any reason other than food, he will charge me. Scares the crap out of me (allergic to pain). How hard can they bite? I’ve read people saying they draw blood, others say they can’t close their mouths so can’t bite hard. Which is it?

Lastly, is it helpful to bluff him back with my hand to make him back off, better to stand my ground and stay still, or keep doing what I have, which uttering a choice expletive and have my hands running for the hills?

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Nice parrots. Some have teeth and can close their mouth, some can't. They get more aggressive/territorial as they age. One thing parrots are known for is ramming fish in the side.

You can make sure the male watches you feed the female. This helps build trust when fish see other fish feeling 'safe' around the big blobby thing (you). Another trick is to do the finger walk along the glass to engage the male. Very entertaining with their antics. They're intelligent and kooky at the same time. Over time as they settle in the male may warm to you. Even my most aggressive parrots mellowed over time to me. To other fish, not so much!

And they looove hides and will explore every one you have before deciding on their favorite. One of my parrots Boss (see avatar) has a regular log and a vacation log!
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 20, 2024

Nice parrots. Some have teeth and can close their mouth, some can't. They get more aggressive/territorial as they age. One thing parrots are known for is ramming fish in the side.

You can make sure the male watches you feed the female. This helps build trust when fish see other fish feeling 'safe' around the big blobby thing (you). Another trick is to do the finger walk along the glass to engage the male. Very entertaining with their antics. They're intelligent and kooky at the same time. Over time as they settle in the male may warm to you. Even my most aggressive parrots mellowed over time to me. To other fish, not so much!

And they looove hides and will explore every one you have before deciding on their favorite. One of my parrots Boss (see avatar) has a regular log and a vacation log!
Thanks for your reply FINWIN FINWIN - Boss is gorgeous!

I did get some long gloves so I can at least service the tank without fear and they attack it regularly still, but I will try that more - feeding her in front of him. He does get pretty mad if she takes food he thinks is for him - which is basically any molecule of food that goes in the tank - and rams her sides but she never hides from him.

They definitely have a favourite hide - hehe to Boss’s regular and vacation logs. They hang out in it quite a bit but are both coming to the glass when I feed - they are like little dogs wagging their tails.

I will also try the hand games with him - he’s warmed to me a bit, I think. I’m already amazed at how interactive they are! Thanks for your reply - I really appreciate it!


MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
kingdom of saudi arabia, riyadth
Thanks Deadeye. I just looked up red wolf fish and I can see a bite would be a trip to Emergency! Yikes. That is quite a fish! You are far braver than I am (almost embarrassed to join Monster Fishkeepers when it seems mine can only lip me off LOL)

I will try the glove so I can stop being such a baby about it and gain some confidence.

Thank you again for your warm welcome and helpful reply!
its nothing to be embarassed about. We learn with time and grow out of our fears. Reminds me the time when i was scared of mollies, can you imagine, mollies!
But now i easily put my hand inside a pond with a massive pacu with teeth. He likes to be petted too!
i actually compliment you for doing your research before doing the unknown. A lot of people get themselves injured doing things they aren't fully aware of or have no knowlege of them. Keep up the good work


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Thanks for your reply FINWIN FINWIN - Boss is gorgeous!

I did get some long gloves so I can at least service the tank without fear and they attack it regularly still, but I will try that more - feeding her in front of him. He does get pretty mad if she takes food he thinks is for him - which is basically any molecule of food that goes in the tank - and rams her sides but she never hides from him.

They definitely have a favourite hide - hehe to Boss’s regular and vacation logs. They hang out in it quite a bit but are both coming to the glass when I feed - they are like little dogs wagging their tails.

I will also try the hand games with him - he’s warmed to me a bit, I think. I’m already amazed at how interactive they are! Thanks for your reply - I really appreciate it!
Another form of enrichment is toys. I have shooter marbles and toy plastic balls filled with water and sand. The toy balls are those little party favor kind. I cut a hole with an exacto blade and fill with sand and water. They love pushing them around and piling them up! You want the hollow plastic kind.
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 20, 2024
Another form of enrichment is toys. I have shooter marbles and toy plastic balls filled with water and sand. The toy balls are those little party favor kind. I cut a hole with an exacto blade and fill with sand and water. They love pushing them around and piling them up! You want the hollow plastic kind.
What a cool idea! Thank you. I expect Boss doesn’t need to “vacation” often when he has so much to amuse him. Going to try this!!
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