75 Gallon - New Stocking - Opinions Welcome!


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Here are two that I've personally kept (adjusted for your size tank):

1. 2-4 EBAs, 4-6 Brochis Corys, 6+ Buenos Aires Tetras, and 2 Striped Raphael Catfish or a Striped Raph with a pleco.

2. Discus tank with neon tetras and cories (3-4 Discus, 10+ Neons and 6+ corys)

And then one I haven't kept but i have kept the species:

3. Geophagus Tapajos school (6) with some Buenos Aires (or any large tetra, 6+).

Also, while I'm not sure if Dwarf Acaras can be kept in large groups, I cast a vote for Dwarf Acaras because they are friendly and cute, plus they are very manageable.
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MFK Member
Jul 9, 2019
Yeah I am definitely leaning towards that!

I thought about Africans, I think the school of colorful fish and the feeding frenzies are neat. Wouldn’t I need to change my substrate though to keep the PH higher?

But I really like the big size, the personality, the different shapes and habits of the SA/CA cichlids better for some reason. They’re just more engaging to me.

I think I’m leaning towards a center-piece fish or maybe a pair plus another catfish or something and some dithers still. Maybe a of Convicts would be cool?

Or one big male Green Terror plus catfish and dithers again? Or a JD similar setup?

I’ll keep reading, but keep the suggestions coming!

Any large, (10 inch ish when adult) colorful, mean, SA or CA I haven’t mentioned? I know there’s some I don’t know about lol!
There’s many Africans that get bigger than the GT actually, but unfortunately they wouldn’t do well in a 75 permanently. For what you’re looking for, I think a GT is about perfect


MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
I was going to wait and make sure the tank was good for longer but the other fish are all still completely 100% thriving and water is perfect.

I didn’t add much and went with what I originally started with plus one other. I got another Green Terror and another Feather Fin which is what I started with over a year ago, had to try again! I’ve wanted an awesome/stunning male GT since I started this whole thing with a 10 gallon tank and a Beta lol!

I didn’t want to buy a mature fish, so the GT is tiny. Probably 1.5” but does not have the black line under the eye and had the best color in the tank by far even those twice his size. Really hoping for a male! I’ve never seen one this small in a store this colored up.

The Feather Fin has the cool leopard pattern on top of a lighter color than my previous so he’s neat looking too. I did notice when I got home he has a broken side fin/tine with what looks like a wound around it so hopefully that heals up.

I added a Bichir which my daughter chose. If he gets too big I have a buddy that wants him, but I’ve always thought they were neat.

So that leaves me with:
4x Giant Danios
1x Firemouth
1x Green Terror
1x Feather Fin
1x Bichir

Only thing I’d possibly change in the future is add more FM’s so he has some buddies and get rid of the Bichir or give the FM to my buddy and keep the Bichir if that works out.

I hope the GT grows fast (for a GT) and have high hopes. What can I expect growth-wise monthly? IMG_1906.jpegIMG_1909.jpegIMG_1912.jpegIMG_1913.jpeg


MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
Can a MOD move this post to my “Got my new tank” thread and delete this thread and my other recent thread?

That way I don’t have 3 going and cluttering up the main board and can continue on my main tank thread?
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Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
That bichir looks like a Senegal, if it is a Senegal, it will be perfectly fine, they grow to a manageable size. But I'm no expert on this so I'll let someone more experienced clarify.


MFK Member
Jul 9, 2019
I was going to wait and make sure the tank was good for longer but the other fish are all still completely 100% thriving and water is perfect.

I didn’t add much and went with what I originally started with plus one other. I got another Green Terror and another Feather Fin which is what I started with over a year ago, had to try again! I’ve wanted an awesome/stunning male GT since I started this whole thing with a 10 gallon tank and a Beta lol!

I didn’t want to buy a mature fish, so the GT is tiny. Probably 1.5” but does not have the black line under the eye and had the best color in the tank by far even those twice his size. Really hoping for a male! I’ve never seen one this small in a store this colored up.

The Feather Fin has the cool leopard pattern on top of a lighter color than my previous so he’s neat looking too. I did notice when I got home he has a broken side fin/tine with what looks like a wound around it so hopefully that heals up.

I added a Bichir which my daughter chose. If he gets too big I have a buddy that wants him, but I’ve always thought they were neat.

So that leaves me with:
4x Giant Danios
1x Firemouth
1x Green Terror
1x Feather Fin
1x Bichir

Only thing I’d possibly change in the future is add more FM’s so he has some buddies and get rid of the Bichir or give the FM to my buddy and keep the Bichir if that works out.

I hope the GT grows fast (for a GT) and have high hopes. What can I expect growth-wise monthly? View attachment 1541922View attachment 1541923View attachment 1541924View attachment 1541925
Looks like a sen to me which should max around 7-10” and if the off chance it’s a WC then 11-12” tops
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Cal Amari

MFK Member
Mar 9, 2023
One thing to consider, GTs are relatively cheap and not all baby fish make it to adults as you experienced. You could get a few more and grow them out together, As they get big enough to be stable and aggression may start then you can pick your favorite and return the rest.