Bird Nests - When You Realize You Have A Bird Nest on Your Porch

The Masked Shadow

Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jul 19, 2020
Southern California (San Diego)
This happens all the time for me. I look around, 2 birds go into this tree, I go find the nest. But today is cool. I found 3 bird nests in the same tree. Since my mom is an ornithologist, we feel very strongly about birds and love to find them. We have a mourning dove that comes here every year to sit on her nest. Every year. Then, I just noticed, we have some late birds. I should add that this is literally 3 feet from my head. I could practically touch her. The late birds are House Finches. Then, we have an unknown bird (haven't seen it yet) nest that is literally 2 feet away. All in the same bush. AND THEN, we have a Hibiscus Tree with a Wrentit Nest in it. Then on the other side, not 15 feet away, we have an Allens Hummingbird pair. I should note it is an Allens Hummingbird Mom, and maybe Anna's Hummingbird father. That nest is 3 feet off the ground. Final nest, I swear. We have a Kestrel Nest in a Palm Tree in the neighbors front yard. And then we have cats. We keep them in for months on end to protect the babies. Let's hear about some nests you found around the house. Can anyone beat my nest record? Ill get pics of the nests later. Oh! We suspect the unknown nest to be some kind of Oriole based on the size and the way they built it.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
This happens all the time for me. I look around, 2 birds go into this tree, I go find the nest. But today is cool. I found 3 bird nests in the same tree. Since my mom is an ornithologist, we feel very strongly about birds and love to find them. We have a mourning dove that comes here every year to sit on her nest. Every year. Then, I just noticed, we have some late birds. I should add that this is literally 3 feet from my head. I could practically touch her. The late birds are House Finches. Then, we have an unknown bird (haven't seen it yet) nest that is literally 2 feet away. All in the same bush. AND THEN, we have a Hibiscus Tree with a Wrentit Nest in it. Then on the other side, not 15 feet away, we have an Allens Hummingbird pair. I should note it is an Allens Hummingbird Mom, and maybe Anna's Hummingbird father. That nest is 3 feet off the ground. Final nest, I swear. We have a Kestrel Nest in a Palm Tree in the neighbors front yard. And then we have cats. We keep them in for months on end to protect the babies. Let's hear about some nests you found around the house. Can anyone beat my nest record? Ill get pics of the nests later. Oh! We suspect the unknown nest to be some kind of Oriole based on the size and the way they built it.
Are the Hummingbird in your area territorial? A couple of years ago would put up a Hummingbird feeder and realized the make Ruby Throated Hummingbird is very territorial.


Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Hello; I have a stick built carport. Just a roof sitting on 12 4x4 posts set on concrete. Opens on all four sides. Have had both nests and problems with birds. Problems with starlings. The starlings would roost on the roof joists at night and crap on everything. Maybe 30 or more birds. So I took the tape out of some old VHS video cases. I cut it into strips and stapled the strips to the underside of the roof so the hung down on the horizontal rafters. They strips sway in the breeze and the starlings stopped roosting.

Had robins nest in the carport for a few years. Problem was the neighbors cat. When the young robins were still in the nest I saw some feathers in the yard. Went to look at the nest and found it empty. Also found cat paw prints on my truck. On the hood. On the glass and on the roof of the truck. The cat had used my truck to get at them. After that I tear down the nests when the robins start to built it. Last year they built on my back porch and fledged some chicks. Have not seen them this year yet. We had a freeze down to 28F last night this late in April which is a bit unusual.


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
Do parakeet eggs in the cage count?
I’ll find nests, not always birds or eggs in them though.
I have seen robin and catbird nests often though, in the times I can find the birds there.
Best was a killdeer nest two years in a row. They went to the exact same spot on my patio. They are also very territorial so getting to my pool was always a loud experience. Unfortunately the second time a heat wave turned the nest into a skillet. I don’t think I have any pictures on this phone.

The Masked Shadow

Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jul 19, 2020
Southern California (San Diego)
Once I figure out how to upload a vid, I will. But this is cool. I found ANOTHER morning dove a meter away from the other nest; which I am guessing it is hers, but got to dirty for her liking. I went out to garden, and found another morning dove, which is prob the male, building the nest.

Coolest nest my mom and I found are one of the LeContes Thrasher nests. There are only a few thousand of them, and in Joshua Tree, we found one. She brought me up because I have good ears and good eyesight, and I ended up hearing one. We followed its trail, and found a Smoke Tree, which they love. I found the nest as well. LeContes Thrashers rarely call, and you are basically left with checking bushes for nests.
Once I figure out how to upload a vid, I will. But this is cool. I found ANOTHER morning dove a meter away from the other nest; which I am guessing it is hers, but got to dirty for her liking. I went out to garden, and found another morning dove, which is prob the male, building the nest.

Coolest nest my mom and I found are one of the LeContes Thrasher nests. There are only a few thousand of them, and in Joshua Tree, we found one. She brought me up because I have good ears and good eyesight, and I ended up hearing one. We followed its trail, and found a Smoke Tree, which they love. I found the nest as well. LeContes Thrashers rarely call, and you are basically left with checking bushes for nests.
you can't upload a video to mfk directly. you can upload it to youtube and post a link here, that's really the only good way to do it.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
May 14, 2018
I’ve found occasional bird nests here in there, some in trees, some in the garage, and some in our gutters.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
I havent spotted many nests in the tall trees on my property but the blue eggshells I find on the ground tip me off that there is at least one around.Good on you for keeping your cats inside.Cats are relentless hunters of birds and I blame the many strays and ferals around here for the absence of Cardinals that used to be common visitors to my backyard.


Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
I havent spotted many nests in the tall trees on my property but the blue eggshells I find on the ground tip me off that there is at least one around.Good on you for keeping your cats inside.Cats are relentless hunters of birds and I blame the many strays and ferals around here for the absence of Cardinals that used to be common visitors to my backyard.
Hello; Fair chance the blue egg shells are from robins. Robin's egg blue.
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