Central Taiwan Biotope Creation Log and Journal


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2005
Found this AWESOME video of Taiwanese biotopes.
There are about 20m (about 65ft) of large fishtanks with different Taiwanese aquatic habitats and fish.
This is a dedicated elementary teacher sharing his passion.

There are English subtitles.



Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Found this AWESOME video of Taiwanese biotopes.
There are about 20m (about 65ft) of large fishtanks with different Taiwanese aquatic habitats and fish.
This is a dedicated elementary teacher sharing his passion.

There are English subtitles.

Wow! Those are some great native biotope exhibits. Thanks for sharing!
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2005
Got 5 new loaches. They love the current and come from swift streams. Anyone care to guess what they are? What they were sold as and whaty I believe them to be is similar but not the same fish.
Unfortunately, 1 found a small gap in the quarantine tank and leapt out. The 4 are now in the big tank and happy as. A lot less skittish with all the space and water movement.
Photos not the best as I had to take them from a distance while they were settling.
New Loach 5.jpgNew Loach 4.jpgNew Loach 3.jpgNew Loach 2.jpgNew Loach 1.jpg


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2005
Probably sold as arrow loach. Unless of course a poor shop sold them as Siamese algae eaters
Look to me like Nemacheilius Anguilla so am guessing that’s what you think they are.
Always amazes me when someone like you just drops info like everyone should have known that. I spent ages going through the info looking for an ID. Eventually when I found it, I asked the seller and they told me the loaches were Nemacheilus bionatus.
However, I found the dorsal fin and solid dorsal line quite different. Searching a bit more I came to the opinion they were Nemacheilus anguilla. However, the dorsal marking were still different.
A bit more searching and the old trusty SeriouslyFish, I am somewhat positive on the ID being Nemacheilus longistriatus, A.K.A. Laos Blackline Torpedo Loach. They definitely live up to that moniker.


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 25, 2021
Nemacheilus longistriatus reminds me of the dwarf chain loach or black lined loach.
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2005
I found some old pics. Not sure if I posted of what the tank looked like just before it "tanked".

I had to remove all plants. And eat some humble pie. After stating my tank working fine with leporinus and anostomus and plants it was not long after the plants started getting frayed edges. Soon enough once all the fish had grown up, there were just too many for the plants to thrive. They were removed and placed in the hillstream rack sump. I cut almost all leaves off and they have started regrowing as anubius do....slowly.

The Leporinus sp. "Strawberry" is wreaking havoc in the tank. He chases the other two leporinus non-stop although thewre apperas to be no stress of damage as they eat well and don't hide. I know leps establish a hardline pecking order and this appears to be what it is. However, the L. sp. "Strawberry" is nipping the fins of the shark and clown loaches. Not a gentle nip, s/he is ripping into fins fraying them, right down to spines. They completely ignore the anostomus.

I have a 2 step idea to address this.
1 - the tank willl be rearranged soon. I will remove the false bottom and try to install it as a "false background" with water circulating horizontally as opposed to vertically. I am hoping the increased current will keep the Lep a little busier swimming.
2 - I am trying to source another 2-3 lep strawberries. Let them have each other to chase and interact with. As and when I see them for sale, I will buy until I have a group of say 5 or so.

So will see how it goes.
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2005
I got round to reworking the stocking a bit.
Having all the fish in the tank hand feed makes catching them so much easier and less stressful on them and me.

I removed the Convict. I want to replace her bioload with something else. Have a few ideas I am looking at.

I also removed the 4 Yoyo loaches. It has changed the dynamic of the tank. For the better in my opinion. With these four balls of energy out, even the leporinus seem to have calmed down a bit. Will see how long that lasts.

Now I just need to find time to rescape the tank and all should be well.
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