'Cleveland' Rocks!


MFK Member
Jul 19, 2021
Gwinnett County, Ga.
Tank is getting a bit clearer.
I stirred it up somewhat before I took yesterday pics, moving and stacking rock columns, Just Like the Druids Done Did Yesteryear at Stonehenge, My Inner Junkie thinks he's a Legit Druid Talisman!

Algae is growing on all surfaces and as I cleaned the glass, that too can momentarily cloud the water I suppose. I don't understand 100% the process of cycling a tank but I think the slippery dark green algae is a sign of proper development.

I mentioned earlier that when I set up the Akron, I had a huge and unexpected algae explosion, it was like whole clouds of algae that my fish could swim through and it grew fast and I thought it would just be the norm, that I would always be pulling large amounts of algae but then it got all settled. I'm not even close to understanding 100%, and that's 50% of the fun!

So Frass, Sassafras Sassafras , you mentioned 'in the East' filter trends are different. Can I ask what part of the World where you live?

I also wanted to mention that on the same day, yesterday, both of the circulation pumps stopped working in the Posh Cleveland, I need to come up with a better solution for tank circulation. I have several other similar circ pumps that just don't last. I have two circ pumps in the Cleveland in opposite corners and it created a real decent loop of a current. The thing is, I have an entire catalog of different water pumps, different sizes, high quality stuff.

"Ya get what ya pay for" and it is hard to resist those 20 dollar circ pumps, but they do NOT last long.


MFK Member
Feb 17, 2009
Hey Mr. Parka! I'm about as Western Civilization as they come. By referring to "the East", I meant mainly Asia and India. I see a lot of overhead filtration in YouTube posts from aquarists in those regions. I'm from the same area of the U.S. that you are, the South.
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