Don't Worry About A.I. Taking Over...


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
I spotted one earlier. Some new dude, bot, thing, whatever, resurrected a thread from 2010 and added FOUR barely decipherable posts to it, all in the space of 10 minutes!!

Thing is, without conclusive proof, we can't be 100% sure that they are bots, or whether they're genuine new members who maybe have learning disabilities or other issues, who are just trying their hardest to fit in with other hobbyists.

It's got to the point now that before posting on any new thread, especially by a new member, I have to make a decision as to whether it's genuine or not, and it's not always easy.

Some members seem to get sucked into these "bot traps" and actually make friends with them! I believe jjohnwm jjohnwm has about 25 bots following him, he can't get away from them, lol.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Dec 12, 2005
I spotted one earlier. Some new dude, bot, thing, whatever, resurrected a thread from 2010 and added FOUR barely decipherable posts to it, all in the space of 10 minutes!!

Thing is, without conclusive proof, we can't be 100% sure that they are bots, or whether they're genuine new members who maybe have learning disabilities or other issues, who are just trying their hardest to fit in with other hobbyists.

It's got to the point now that before posting on any new thread, especially by a new member, I have to make a decision as to whether it's genuine or not, and it's not always easy.

Some members seem to get sucked into these "bot traps" and actually make friends with them! I believe jjohnwm jjohnwm has about 25 bots following him, he can't get away from them, lol.
I saw that thread earlier this morning and my first thought was bot!
I’m the opposite, I distrust every new member till I see a few interactions with other members I know, then I may comment if I have something that may add a little to the conversation. But most times anymore the topics are covered so I just read and move on. I don’t post much anymore but I’m always around lurking just in the shadows passing judgment from afar. Lol


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
I’m the opposite, I distrust every new member till I see a few interactions with other members I know
That's a rather dicey game you play my friend. If John is talking merrily away with a new member, whatever you do don't just think, "ah, I think this one's genuine", and jump into the conversation. Because a pound to a penny, given his recent communications, he'll be chatting away to one of his bot buddies, lol.

Just recently he started a PM with a bot, I repeat, a PM with a bot. I would never ever have believed it in a million years.......but he tagged me in it!!!! Lol.


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
members who maybe have learning disabilities or other issues, who are just trying their hardest to fit in with other hobbyists.

This describes many of us I think lol
You're a brave man coming out with that last bit, lol. Forever the diplomat me, you'll never see me come out with stuff like that :liar: lol.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Some members seem to get sucked into these "bot traps" and actually make friends with them! I believe jjohnwm jjohnwm has about 25 bots following him, he can't get away from them, lol.
Sadly, there were one or two instances, way back in those lovely innocent days when I was blissfully unaware of their existence, that I responded to a couple of bots after they made outlandish statements. I forget who it was here on MFK who politely pointed out that I was likely talking to a computer program. I was absolutely flabbergasted; a painful and unpleasant combination of embarrassment, anger and frustration.

Yes, I sent one or two of them PM's challenging them to respond and verify their humanity. And yes, I even tagged in my buddy Esox, thinking he would admire and laud my efforts to protect humanty from the looming digital menace. None responded...except for Esox...which in my mind was more evidence that they weren't real, but I too was concerned that perhaps a small percentage of them were real people facing challenges and didn't want to risk hurting their the actual bots, nefarious as they may be, now simply get ignored. Not capital-I way I will let anybody, real or virtual, affect my activity to the point where I need help from the keyboard to deal with it; I just read, smirk, and then move on. BIG-G BIG-G has the right idea!

The bots are actually very much like many of the actual humans who come and go, i.e. somewhat irritating and amusing at the same time, but not worth wasting time on any more.

In fact, I'm gonna make it a resolution for the new year. I've already almost completely given up on all the "Can I cram one more fish into this 10-gallon community?" threads...or the "Here's my projected stocking list, the Mark 27 version...comments?" or even the "My fish is covered with white fluff and hasn't moved for over a week...should I be worried?" ones. I'll let other more patient folks deal with stuff like "Don't tell me I can't do it! I'm gonna do it!!! Now help me!"

I'm going to be way more selective regarding with whom I interact going forward. If I detect even a whiff of suspicious bot-like commentary or activity, I won't even engage without seeing two pieces of government-issued photo ID, a 500-word essay on The Meaning Of Life, and the results of a stool-sample-analysis.

In order to quash any doubt about Esox's humanity, I will have all the stool samples sent directly to his home and let him handle the testing and analysis. That should prove to anyone his human credentials.

Esox, don't bother to thank me, buddy. I've got your back! :)


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
In order to quash any doubt about Esox's humanity, I will have all the stool samples sent directly to his home and let him handle the testing and analysis.
Hey buddy, I'd love to be of assistance to you on this one, but I've enough of my own sh*t to deal with as it is, let alone you sending me more through the post!

In fact, I'm gonna make it a resolution for the new year. I've already almost completely given up on all the "Can I cram one more fish into this 10-gallon community?" threads...or the "Here's my projected stocking list, the Mark 27 version...comments?" or even the "My fish is covered with white fluff and hasn't moved for over a week...should I be worried?" ones. I'll let other more patient folks deal with stuff like "Don't tell me I can't do it! I'm gonna do it!!! Now help me!"
Well, given that you've just mentioned the subject matter of the vast majority of threads on here, and that you sadly won't be participating in them anymore, may I take this opportunity to bid you a fond and reluctant farewell!

But I know you too well, all is not yet lost. It won't be long before your fat sausage fingers grow restless and you're back with us talking crap....again! Lol.