Got a new 20" Fire Eel and has this white mark. Is it ok?


MFK Member
Feb 18, 2016
Chicago area
Ended using gutter pipe and the tank looks a thousand times better than the bright white PVC.

As I was taking out the dragonstone I felt a lot of sharp edges so good thing you guys help me out there. I didn't remove the two gems in the center part as they are actually not sharp and pretty smooth.

I do plan on getting some crypts and Java fern and more anubias but I need to hit the brakes as I'm just turning into a spending machine.



Feeder Fish
Mar 20, 2024
I have suggested in the past that an excellent product to use as hides and caves is ABS drain pipe, available in various sizes and easily cut to desired lengths. Being black, it's also less visually obtrusive than white or grey PVC, but as Fishman Dave Fishman Dave mentions, it apparently floats in many areas; all the ABS I've ever bought or scrounged in Canada has always sunk; I'm sure the gummint has some obscure "buoyancy laws" that the makers must obey...:headshake

If you use PVC, there are apparently some spray paints that will adhere to it and are non-toxic once cured. I think FINWIN FINWIN has some info on this. When I've used PVC in the past, I've found it helpful to spread a bit of clear solvent cement over the outside of the pipe and then roll it in, or sprinkle it with, aquarium gravel; it blends in very nicely and looks less artificial that way. Be sure to let it cure thoroughly.

Whatever you use, after cutting it to length you should at least use a sharp knife to de-bur the sharp jagged cut edge inside and out, or better yet a rasp or file to smooth it.

That's a gorgeous fish; do whatever it takes to make the tank suit the fish, rather than hoping for the opposite. :)
Schedule 40 pvc will sink the sewage or drainage pvc not approved for pressure has more of a cellular foam core which makes it float. Figured this it when some of mine floated and some didn’t as they were left over pieces from different jobs.


MFK Member
Feb 18, 2016
Chicago area
I would get some pieces of appropriate wood and ziptie them into place
over time the roots will hold it all together and you can remove the plastic ziptie
Good point I can also zip tie The nubias around the gutter piece. So far I found myself readjusting some plans because the big boy knocked him out. Zip ties will certainly help. Thanks.