Need help filing claim report, Westjet lost my package


MFK Member
Hey all,

So, i shipped a package yesterday. Was for a 9am flight from vancouver to calgary about an hour flight time (dropped off the fish at 630am). Pickup by recipient at 12:19pm . WEll that time rolls around and the package is not there, the recipient was told its not on the flight, and it was bumped to a later flight, which arrives at 3pm. I call westjet to get an explanation why it was bumped... apparently passengers luggage gets priority and cargo fills the empty space, and that flight was full. Okay no big deal, the fish will last another couple hours....

WEll, 3pm rolls by and the recipient is told they can't find the package. WTF? I call westjet/els again to find out wtf is going on.... There were three options 1) its still in vancouver 2) its in calgary hiding 3) it was overlooked and its on its way to toronto (the other side of canada 4 hours away). The flight lands at 9pm in Toronto and ITS NOT ON THE PLANE... both calgary and vancouver swear its not its disappeared off the face of the earth.... By now its late at night so i have no other option but to call in the morning.

I call the next day and they "found" the package in Calgary... with dead fish in it.

There are a few main problems i see

1) The fish did not make the booked flight, when i book a flight i expect it to make it on that flight... later i was told its not guaranteed
2) Vancouver did not put it on the next available flight. There were 3 other flights that left for Calgary before the one they actually put it on.
3) They were clearly negligent in calgary by overlooking the package.... THIS WAS THE FATAL MISTAKE, it was there the whole time, even after repeated calls asking them to thoroughly check they said it was not there.

Wesjtet/els clearly were negligent both at VAncouver and cAlgary and they fell below their standard of care.

There were two asian arowana worth $2925...
The only thing i can think of that can **** me is the fact that they were supposed to be packed to last 48 hours, but died before 48 hours...
I have since arranged to ship the customer replacement fish at no cost.... now i have to try to get the full cost of the fish back to cover the loss...

This last shipment of asian arowana has been super ****ty... lost $5000 worth of fish
I really need help here... thanks.

N-E Cichlids

MFK Member
Oct 31, 2006
Ellenton, Florida
street cypher;1340981; said:
Hey all,

So, i shipped a package yesterday. Was for a 9am flight from vancouver to calgary about an hour flight time (dropped off the fish at 630am). Pickup by recipient at 12:19pm . WEll that time rolls around and the package is not there, the recipient was told its not on the flight, and it was bumped to a later flight, which arrives at 3pm. I call westjet to get an explanation why it was bumped... apparently passengers luggage gets priority and cargo fills the empty space, and that flight was full. Okay no big deal, the fish will last another couple hours....

WEll, 3pm rolls by and the recipient is told they can't find the package. WTF? I call westjet/els again to find out wtf is going on.... There were three options 1) its still in vancouver 2) its in calgary hiding 3) it was overlooked and its on its way to toronto (the other side of canada 4 hours away). The flight lands at 9pm in Toronto and ITS NOT ON THE PLANE... both calgary and vancouver swear its not its disappeared off the face of the earth.... By now its late at night so i have no other option but to call in the morning.

I call the next day and they "found" the package in Calgary... with dead fish in it.

There are a few main problems i see

1) The fish did not make the booked flight, when i book a flight i expect it to make it on that flight... later i was told its not guaranteed
2) Vancouver did not put it on the next available flight. There were 3 other flights that left for Calgary before the one they actually put it on.
3) They were clearly negligent in calgary by overlooking the package.... THIS WAS THE FATAL MISTAKE, it was there the whole time, even after repeated calls asking them to thoroughly check they said it was not there.

Wesjtet/els clearly were negligent both at VAncouver and cAlgary and they fell below their standard of care.

There were two asian arowana worth $2925...
The only thing i can think of that can **** me is the fact that they were supposed to be packed to last 48 hours, but died before 48 hours...
I have since arranged to ship the customer replacement fish at no cost.... now i have to try to get the full cost of the fish back to cover the loss...

This last shipment of asian arowana has been super ****ty... lost $5000 worth of fish
I really need help here... thanks.

Hate to tell you, but you are probably screwed. Delta has the same policy. The fish are suppose to be packaged with enough oxygen etc... to last for 48 hours. The only way the airlines accept the claim is if the package was destroyed. If the package was fine and not messed up, they will not cover it.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 28, 2006
sorry bro, as NEC said, unless the package was damaged or lost within the 48 hrs, i don't think you will get anywhere......

good luck though........


Staff member
Jun 12, 2006
yup... what nic says... airline dont cover dead fish... only lost package or damage package... that is why i only ship garentee flights.. they will try to squezz in ..

couple years ago

i ship 2 box to Washington and 1 box to FL.

but all 3 box went to Washington. so delay over 20 hours.. i end up with a dead Australian Lungfish... and airline can refund me back the shipping charged only....

sorry bro... :(


Staff member
MFK Member
Apr 27, 2005
An airline rerouted $4800 in fish to Chicago instead of Mississippi, took 4 days to even acknowledge looking for the boxes, ran over a box with a forklift, then refused to compensate for the losses. The only claim airlines accept is for the amount of shipping. I was told that animals required private insurance (like race horses) since the airlines don't have the trained personnel to inspect the packages for proper packaging requirements.

N-E Cichlids

MFK Member
Oct 31, 2006
Ellenton, Florida
Oddball;1341312; said:
An airline rerouted $4800 in fish to Chicago instead of Mississippi, took 4 days to even acknowledge looking for the boxes, ran over a box with a forklift, then refused to compensate for the losses. The only claim airlines accept is for the amount of shipping. I was told that animals required private insurance (like race horses) since the airlines don't have the trained personnel to inspect the packages for proper packaging requirements.

I can understand not having the personal to check packaging procedures, but running over a box. Any moron can do that. Seems like they would have to cover that box, since they can not prove the fish was dead before the rockect scientist ran it over.


Staff member
MFK Member
Apr 27, 2005
N-E Cichlids;1341373; said:

I can understand not having the personal to check packaging procedures, but running over a box. Any moron can do that. Seems like they would have to cover that box, since they can not prove the fish was dead before the rockect scientist ran it over.
That box had my pre-CITES 12" female FRT. I was devastated.


Staff member
Jun 12, 2006
street cypher;1342481;1342481 said:
Well just heard back from ELS.

They are offering to reimburse the cost of shipping plus settle $50 for the loss.

This is incredibly damaging to me financially, i am not a happy camper
SORRY BRO... that is how the fish world works.... its sux....