Unique Discus Tank Mates?


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Hey y'all! I want to add 1 or 2 new fish to the discus tank, and I want something unique. I'm not looking for dithers (I already have Neons). I was thinking of a unique medium-sized catfish or cichlid, but anything would be ok. I'm also not going to do corys again.

Thank you!

P.S. I would also prefer it to be either from Asia or the Americas.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Would perhaps a Tire track eel or Spiny Eel work? Or maybe a small gar (Like a needlenose) or a rare halfbeak? Maybe a freshwater archerfish?


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 2, 2017
For discus tank mates I’d consider these factors:
- tank size
- temperature: discus usually like hotter water above 82 F, a lot of fish might be able to tolerate that but not thrive under those conditions. I keep mine at 84-86 F with serpae tetras and they do well.
- temperament: Discus are relatively peaceful so you need to not get anything too aggressive

some recommendations I have are other community fish like runny nose tetras, serpae tetras, cardinal tetras, upper jaw bichir, small species of plecos, gudgeons, etc. While some will be better tankmates than others, generally these should somewhat workin a discus aquarium. Hope this helps!


MFK Moderators
Staff member
MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
For discus tank mates I’d consider these factors:
- tank size
- temperature: discus usually like hotter water above 82 F, a lot of fish might be able to tolerate that but not thrive under those conditions. I keep mine at 84-86 F with serpae tetras and they do well.
- temperament: Discus are relatively peaceful so you need to not get anything too aggressive

some recommendations I have are other community fish like runny nose tetras, serpae tetras, cardinal tetras, upper jaw bichir, small species of plecos, gudgeons, etc. While some will be better tankmates than others, generally these should somewhat workin a discus aquarium. Hope this helps!
Agree with this , water parameters for discus are unique, and so are their temperament needs.
Throwing in species from another continent or set of parameters (as the common hard waters common in say....Central America) seems a bit like throwing a wrench in a nicely purring engine.
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Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
For discus tank mates I’d consider these factors:
- tank size
- temperature: discus usually like hotter water above 82 F, a lot of fish might be able to tolerate that but not thrive under those conditions. I keep mine at 84-86 F with serpae tetras and they do well.
- temperament: Discus are relatively peaceful so you need to not get anything too aggressive

some recommendations I have are other community fish like runny nose tetras, serpae tetras, cardinal tetras, upper jaw bichir, small species of plecos, gudgeons, etc. While some will be better tankmates than others, generally these should somewhat workin a discus aquarium. Hope this helps!
I already have dithers, but thank you for the other options. You can keep bichirs with Discus? Well...this might open up some things for me ;)


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
I'm only doing fish that are in my area or come from similar water parameters as mine. I'm aware of the temperature needs of the fish and all of that; as of right now, I have my tank at a solid 84 degrees. Perfect for everyone in the tank. I just want to add on one or two more fish to top of the tank.

Would an eel be ok with discus? I would love to have a tiretrack or spiny eel to go along with my cats.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Also, on a general note, can a tire track eel be in a 55 long-term? My LFS used to have a huge amount of Tire Track Eels (massive ones, about a foot +) and while they are gone, I was seriously thinking about one of those I really like them. However, I will scratch it if it doesn't fit in general.

I keep seeing varying tank size ideas, so I want to clarify from the experts here.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 2, 2017
Also, on a general note, can a tire track eel be in a 55 long-term? My LFS used to have a huge amount of Tire Track Eels (massive ones, about a foot +) and while they are gone, I was seriously thinking about one of those I really like them. However, I will scratch it if it doesn't fit in general.

I keep seeing varying tank size ideas, so I want to clarify from the experts here.
Tire track eels can get up to 30 inches in length and while most prob won’t reach nearly that size, a 55 is definitely too small for that by itself, let alone a tank with dithers and discus. Going with a smaller species like the peacock eel might be a more suitable option, although I do not have any experience with keeping these at temps of middle to upper 80s so if anyone has please chime in.
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