When is a "pond"...actually a pond?


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
What makes a pond...a pond?

It seems as though we've gotten to the point where any old container full of water is being called a pond. I have a buddy in town who is proud as punch about the fact that he has gotten a "pond". I use the quotation marks because what he has set up is a half-whiskey barrel with a preformed rigid liner. I'm guessing it holds about 40 gallons of water; he plopped it onto his balcony and stuck a couple of goldfish into it and he thinks he has hit the big time. I pointed out that those fish would need to brought indoors within a month or so, tops, and that his "pond" would be a solid block of ice not much later than that. He looked at me with the kind of blank stare that said he hadn't thought that far ahead. He has no aquariums at all, no place to house those fish during the winter unless he moves his "pond" indoors...which of course can be done in about 10 minutes...

But there are all kinds of threads on MFK where people use the term "pond" as if it somehow confers superhuman powers of fish-keeping upon their owners. You can't keep a RTC or other true monster fish in a 100-gallon aquarium...but a 100-gallon "pond" is a limitless expanse of open water, suitable for anything. It's as though pond-gallons are about ten times the size of tank-gallons.

Is a pond just an aquarium that must be viewed from above, rather than through a transparent side or window? That's what my friend asserted when pressed. I opined that his pond was, in fact, a large-ish bucket of water, which did not go over well. It wasn't until I conceded that it might be considered a "water-feature" that he began to relax.

I have a "pond" in my yard, an in-ground dug-out with an EPDM liner. It's maybe 12 feet wide, 16 feet long, not much more than three feet deep in the middle. It's still a puddle by natural standards, but I grandiosely call it a pond because everyone who sees it calls it that. It's nice because the fact that is in-ground insulates it from rapid temperature changes.

I set up a number of stock tanks in summer for outdoor fish; just snapped up a new-to-me round stock tank that is 8 feet in diameter and holds, by my calculations, just under 1000 gallons of water. Experience has already shown that it will vary in temperature many degrees within a single 24-hour period. It's decently big, will allow breeding and good growth, will have fairly stable water chemistry...but it ain't no pond...

I have one small stock tank that is set up in my basement, mostly for overwintering fish; that same buddy calls it a pond, but we already know that his judgment is suspect. I know that it's just a plastic tub standing on concrete blocks.

What's the consensus? When does a plastic tub of water, or a kiddie wading-pool, or a department-store frame-and-liner cheapie "swimming pool kit"...become a pond?


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
May 14, 2018
Pond is a catch all phrase for objects that hold water and don’t qualify as tanks. My 300 gallon stock tank I call a pond. Honestly I say it qualifies as a pond when it can’t freeze over in the winter.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Pond is a catch all phrase for objects that hold water and don’t qualify as tanks. My 300 gallon stock tank I call a pond. Honestly I say it qualifies as a pond when it can’t freeze over in the winter.
Lol, if we use that qualifier, that means that there is not one single pond in practically all of Canada! :WHOA:

In fact, in most of the country, we don't even consider "freezing over"...and are much more concerned with freezing solid right down to the bottom...:)

Fish metabolism and activity both slow down as temperature decreases; they tend to cease altogether...permanently...when the fish is encased in a solid block of ice. :)

And now your answer raises another question: what kind of container does not qualify as a tank? :)

I think that in the vast majority of cases, aquarists (myself included...) are deluding themselves when they refer to their "ponds".
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eon aquatics

MFK Member
Jan 16, 2021
I would say that a pond is a outdoor system most of the time.
Pond filters/liners/other misc equipment and type of fish that may be larger types.
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Fishman Dave

MFK Member
Nov 14, 2015
West Yorkshire
It’s a brilliant question.
I have a 1200ukg “tropical pond” …… or do I?
1) it’s raised up…… ok some ponds might be raised although most usually consider a pond to be dug down
2) it’s indoors…….. mmmm some see ponds as having to be outdoors
3) it’s tropical……… ok not a big issue but some think cold water when you say pond
4) Now the big one, it has a window at one end……….. oooooo suddenly it’s a tank again ………… a bloody big one, but to some, still a tank……… even though they have seen huge outdoor koi ponds with huge glass viewing windows and they are ponds!?

My loose rule of thumb (and it is very loose) , if it’s bigger than around 1000g and can’t be simply emptied and pushed to a new spot, then it’s a pond. But since I have not thought about the question really, even that definition will have soooo many holes it just won’t hold water…………….. so will be neither a pond or a tank, nor a tub or even a water feature!


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
This is a rather philosophical question. I will have to consult my fish.
Don't bother; they can't be trusted. Each of them has its own agenda, and wants to project its own persona that may or may not be true to life. They're bluffers, actors, and outright liars.

You want a trustworthy pet, which is expressive and confiding and trustworthy? Get a dog. :)


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Rabbits are WAY better than dogs...I had a dog once and it was hell. I've had my rabbit for almost a decade now, and he is by far better. Just saying...