Two Siamese giant carp, ~12", ~2 years old, in 4500 gal


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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Two Siamese giant carp, ~12", ~2 years old, in 4500 gal. I obtained them from Raymond Chan of Amazing Fish in the Summer-Fall of 2015 at ~5"-6". This is my second try. The first try was with two 4"-ers from Wes Wong several months earlier. They have done well but I transferred them too soon into the 4500 gal and in several days they got stuck head first in the drain screen that's a pipe with 1" drilled holes. That was devastating and I was so happy when I saw them again on Ray's list.

Ray's fish have done well so far adapting to the tank, tank mates, and my ways of feeding. They still try to get most food from the water column by incessant and stubborn filter feeding but now have learned to go down to the bottom too to get the pellets off the bottom. I try to feed as often as I can.

One of them has a sort of double tail, if you look closely, you will see there is a small remnant of another tail sticking out of the upper portion of the caudal peduncle :)

Their fins are often tattered a bit, especially the caudal tips and I used to think it was my two banded leporinus or Catla catla or maybe other barbs or silver dollars but recently saw one of the 16" VATF go after the upper caudal lobe tip. Still, they appear to be happy, outgoing fish:



Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Oct 13, 2014
They have an innocence to them that makes them kind of cute lol. And atf in packs, you can tell the dominant fish because it will be the only one with trailers, i assume that is what you are seeing, it is taking dominance over them and not allowing their fins to grow any extension it could.
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Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Thank you, brothers.

They have an innocence to them that makes them kind of cute lol. And atf in packs, you can tell the dominant fish because it will be the only one with trailers, i assume that is what you are seeing, it is taking dominance over them and not allowing their fins to grow any extension it could.
That's an interesting angle. I guess I can see it. Their facial expression can remind of a puppy dog. A bit sad and innocent. And I didn't know that about the ATF. I appreciate the tip (pun intended).

Very nice i hope to see them when much larger
Oh boy do I too! :)
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Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 20, 2017
Dang, how much did they cost you? And any idea where to get them these days? (Fresno,CA)


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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Dang, how much did they cost you? And any idea where to get them these days? (Fresno,CA)
They are not that expensive. Depending on size, $25-$50. Don't know who still has them - check Jeff Rapps tangled up in cichlids website.


Update June 14, 2017.

In addition to the two described above, I got a trio from Rapps about 4-5 months ago too at $25 each. Easy fish. One got messed up by a tank mate in a prior 240 gal tank. IDK who. Suspect 7" VATF chewed up right side of its snout and the eye. If it did, I've no idea why it'd do it.

Here are the three new ones at ~5"-6" and their new tank mates:



Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 20, 2017
Say thanks for the advice. I checked it out and nothing there sadly. Curious as to how much you think one this size would cost (i know superrrr hard to find) also your thoughts on the age and if one in captivity could get to this size

Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 9.11.16 PM.png


Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Say thanks for the advice. I checked it out and nothing there sadly. Curious as to how much you think one this size would cost (i know superrrr hard to find) also your thoughts on the age and if one in captivity could get to this size
Fish of such size are only bought by large Public Aquaria and custom delivered, usually by charter planes. We are talking tens or hundreds of thousands of $$.

The man behind the fish is of small stature but still this fish is huge, probably at least a few decades old, I am guessing. They grow faster in the wild I think. At the rate mine have been growing, I guess it'd take half a century.
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