Big Fire Eels - 2 @ 30 inch and 3 smaller ones


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 18, 2009
Louisville, KY
also how big is your tank for if possible can you a feeding video a little bit long pls thats just a teaser !
OP said before that it is a 210.

Absolutely beautiful tank and monster eels

And I am really glad to see that ur fire eels eat something other than only live stuff

I've grown one from 17" to 26" + in past two years, but only eating earthworms and live shrimp and nothing else

Now I recently got 3 more at 13-14"

Can you please describe as to how you got ur eels onto foods other than live stuff

It would be really helpful

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I weaned my old tire track eel (the one in my avatar) onto Hikari Cichlid Gold, but it took at least 3 months of trying and failing with various methods before he finally started accepting it. What ultimately worked for me was sort of a combination of several methods. I was primarily feeding him frozen krill at the time, so every night, I'd crush the pellets into smaller chunks and stuff them into about 2/3 of the krill (cut the head off, hollow it out a bit with scissors, and just push the pellet piece inside), and I would also soak whole pellets in the water with the krill while it defrosted, and since I was handfeeding my eel, I'd grab a handful of pellets and krill, and offer it all together, so he'd suck in the pellets along with everything else in my hand. I'm honestly not sure what part of that actually worked, but it did. After a while, I started just handfeeding him pellets alone, and then he started taking them from the surface as well.

I really miss that eel, he was an awesome fish. He died of a bacterial infection through what appeared to be a heater burn on his belly, and I couldn't save him. I had grown him from about 4" up to 20-22"over the course of 2-3 years. He died back in 2012, and I just bought a new tire track for the first time since then, a couple weeks ago. This one is about 4-5" right now, and he has been a handful so far. Despite every attempt to seal off the tank, he's managed to climb out 5 times now (luckily, I was around to grab it and put it back every time). I think I have finally solved this issue by wedging filter floss into every opening, blocking my HOB outputs with wire mesh, and weighing down the whole glass top. I haven't been able to get him to eat anything at all so far, either, though he doesn't look skinny yet. What's odd to me is that I never had any of these issues with my old eel.
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MFK Member
Oct 12, 2008
Bradenton, Florida
Absolutely beautiful tank and monster eels

And I am really glad to see that ur fire eels eat something other than only live stuff

I've grown one from 17" to 26" + in past two years, but only eating earthworms and live shrimp and nothing else

Now I recently got 3 more at 13-14"

Can you please describe as to how you got ur eels onto foods other than live stuff

It would be really helpful

Sent from my Nexus 4 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
The 2 big ones were purchased at about 18 inch and already ate pretty much everything (except pellets). I have one that was purchased at 8 inch that I started to feed freeze dried krill, frozen shrimp and cut fish - never live. And I have one that will actually eat pellets as well. Wish I had more insight but I really don't . I will try and post another video soon as the 2 big ones have gotten wider and now can't even fit in 3 inch PVC. They have not gotten any longer but wider - yes.

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MFK Member
Mar 7, 2008
peterborough on
thats awsome ! if you can pls pls make it longer then 27 seconds love it ! my largest i have grown was 28 inches so think i couldnt hold my hand around him. mine would let me pet him hold him ect unfortantley i lost him though the city water was doing some upgrades at the time i was un aware of.


MFK Member
Oct 12, 2008
Bradenton, Florida
thats awsome ! if you can pls pls make it longer then 27 seconds love it ! my largest i have grown was 28 inches so think i couldnt hold my hand around him. mine would let me pet him hold him ect unfortantley i lost him though the city water was doing some upgrades at the time i was un aware of.
Sucks to here u lost yours. 4 of the 5 will eat right out of my hand. I will post another video in the next day or 2.

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Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 27, 2007
Here you go...eating freeze dried krill.
Nice vid! They look like they are doing those pool dancing from the Olympics (dunno the name of it lol).