Poor puppy

The Masked Shadow

Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jul 19, 2020
Southern California (San Diego)
Call the vet ASAP. Idk about you, but blood all over her cone is NOT normal. I'd say she opened her stitches, or the vets mis-diagnosed her ear. Coul be an infected cyst, and when drained, infected cysts can drip blood and pus. Good luck. My dog who passed away needed to get one of his toes removed because his bone marrow was infected. It was quite serious. It just reminded me of this.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Apr 22, 2021
Call the vet ASAP. Idk about you, but blood all over her cone is NOT normal. I'd say she opened her stitches, or the vets mis-diagnosed her ear. Coul be an infected cyst, and when drained, infected cysts can drip blood and pus. Good luck. My dog who passed away needed to get one of his toes removed because his bone marrow was infected. It was quite serious. It just reminded me of this.
What I would do rn is address the issue. Look at her ear. If it's open, go to the vet. If it isn't clear it out with water, and just see the extent of whatever is happening.
I’m not able to do anything. I’m at work and my parents are both saying it’s fine when it obviously isn’t. I don’t know the vet she goes to or anything.
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Nov 2, 2008
When u get home from work do warm water compresss to clean off dried blood to get a better look and look closely if its clotting well it should be scabbing over by now. My pittie had hematoma and had so many stitches in her ear. Its just normal if a dog gets a stitch ripped off this amount of blood is NOTHING ? ive seen worse in my years of owning dogs including dog fights, cut paws etc . They have wonderful clotting ability. Also wipe blood off the cone and continue to montior after warm water compress.

was she sent home with some pain relief? After care instructions?