Don't Worry About A.I. Taking Over...


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
This is sounding creepy.

Look back at what Covid did to us...and then imagine the kind of "supply chain issues" that lie in wait when all this crap hits! :)
On a plus side, things might go south for a lot of people when the currant bun starts growing. But just imagine the roaring trade the sun cream and sun hat manufacturers are going to do, lol. I reckon there will be a significant downturn in the solar panel market too, lol.

Seriously though, long before the sun even starts to expand in a couple of billion years time humans won't be on earth anyway. The afore mentioned asteroid would have long wiped us out. It's not a case of if, it's definitely a case of when!

There may be some kind of life on earth by the time things get rough, but it certainly won't be human life!
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MFK Member
Jul 12, 2017
Fredericksburg va
Not quite. Our suns life will end in about 5 billion years time, that is true. But earth will be uninhabitable long long before then.

On its path to its demise the sun will expand as its energy runs out. Experts believe it could expand that much that it will swallow up Mercury and Venus, just stopping short of Earth.

But even if it doesn't absorb us, by then all life on earth would be gone, even the hardiest of microbes. Nothing. We'll be just a ball of rock, everything stripped away.

We'll all be gone long before that anyway, not because we've gone and destroyed ourselves, no, i'm wagering that an asteroid will eventually finish us off.
Most astronomical "science" is purely theoretical mind you. For all of what we really know the sun could transform into a giant basketball instead of doing all that stuff.

And we're more than ready for any asteroid. Theres an effective counter-asteroid procedure demonstrated with cutting edge late 90s special effects in the movie "armageddon" lol.


MFK Member
Jul 12, 2017
Fredericksburg va
If you like thinking about this kind of thing consider that earth will be uninhabitable in 5 billion years because the sun will have burned out. If somewhere between 100k - 250k years of evolution brought mankind to our current point what is the likelihood that in 5 billion years humans will still have shape and form such that a sun would be important?
Well weve got to get involved in the greater galactic community, get our name out there and make some friends. Who knows, maybe we'd be eligible for some sort of galactic welfare program where the government would replace our sun with a newer subsidized star or something. Either that or pay some third-galaxy planet to build a new one for us, bottom dollar of course.

Cal Amari

MFK Member
Mar 9, 2023
I think we have another, R RadiantSpy is a feeder fish that keeps posting on threads that have been inactive for awhile and has a link inserted randomly


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
I think we have another, R RadiantSpy is a feeder fish that keeps posting on threads that have been inactive for awhile and has a link inserted randomly
Well, that's just great; another name to watch out for.

I don't allow people to irritate me enough to engage the IGNORE feature; that feels too much like some sort of weird defeat...

Maybe its time for us to have an OBSERVE SUSPICIOUSLY WITH A JAUNDICED EYE feature; the OSWAJE button would be engaged whenever there is suspicion of possible AI activity.

I'll leave it to the next generation of paranoid-delusional MFK members to send out the PM designed the ferret these malicious virtual entities out by goading them into exposing themselves. I'm retiring from Blade Runner duties and looking for a new hobby. I hear that Paranormal Investigations might be fun...? :)


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
I think we have another, R RadiantSpy is a feeder fish that keeps posting on threads that have been inactive for awhile and has a link inserted randomly
I just looked over R RadiantSpy 's short post history. He/she is...if not human...certainly one of the most personable and readable of the AI contingent. We have the really bad ones that post literally unreadable strings of irrelevant gibberish (but of course we have real people doing that as welll :)) ...we've got better ones which can create very intelligible sentences, with better spelling and grammar than most people, but with a content (stolen from others and simply re-worded) that sets up red flags...

...but if R RadiantSpy is an AI or bot, he/she/it is a good one, much more advanced than those others...which, of course means that he/she/it is a bad one! :)
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Cal Amari

MFK Member
Mar 9, 2023
I mean they could just be a new member trying to hit their 5 post count, but kind of weird t create an account and post on 6 unrelated threads without asking any question within 6 minutes.


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
I did a bit more digging earlier into our friend, well, jjohnwm jjohnwm friend/stalker to be precise, sixog1634, lol.

I think we've already realised that these "new members" are in fact early stage attempts at AI, and poor ones at that.

Sixog1634 has posted 7 times, all on different threads. Not once have they followed up on a post and joined in the conversation. They just drop a post in and they're off, and as far as I can see they do not ask questions of their own, sixog hasn't anyway.

Also, in three of those 7 posts they've linked adverts to cake, yes cake, I mean wtf!

However, the most obvious smack you in the face red flag came during a thread in subsection "MFK Vendor Forum", under "rare fish". A thread titled "looking for chain catsharks". There are only two posts in that thread. One from a member, and one from sixog1634. Check out what sixog1634 wrote in reply to the original posters question.

Basically it's a carbon copy of the original posters question, they haven't even bothered mixing the wording up on that one!!


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
I did a bit more digging earlier into our friend, well, jjohnwm jjohnwm friend/stalker to be precise, sixog1634, lol.

I think we've already realised that these "new members" are in fact early stage attempts at AI, and poor ones at that.

Sixog1634 has posted 7 times, all on different threads. Not once have they followed up on a post and joined in the conversation. They just drop a post in and they're off, and as far as I can see they do not ask questions of their own, sixog hasn't anyway.

Also, in three of those 7 posts they've linked adverts to cake, yes cake, I mean wtf!

However, the most obvious smack you in the face red flag came during a thread in subsection "MFK Vendor Forum", under "rare fish". A thread titled "looking for chain catsharks". There are only two posts in that thread. One from a member, and one from sixog1634. Check out what sixog1634 wrote in reply to the original posters question.

Basically it's a carbon copy of the original posters question, they haven't even bothered mixing the wording up on that one!!
Thanks for alerting me to that, Esox! I can't do anything to help the OP in that thread...but I happen to have a number of digital chain catsharks that I would be willing to sell to S sixog1634 at a good price; discounts for multiple purchases (I have a "virtually" unlimited quantity available). I'll even include free shipping and guarantee live delivery. :)

S sixog1634 , please PM me ASAP and let's get this ball rolling...
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