My 10 gallon tall community tank


MFK Member
Oct 21, 2006
I had these cool rocks. I stacked them with the base rocks sitting front to back and then the second layer sitting side to side. Two base rocks and two second layer rocks. Then the next two layers of rocks cap the cavity underneath to form a cave of sorts. The substrate is Activ Flora black sand capped with Seachem flourite black sand.

filtration is a Fluval 107 with provided mechanical and biological media with Fluval Clearmax phosphate remover and Purigen. An air stone provides additional circulation.

I have 30 cherry shrimp (reds, blues, yellows, oranges, carbon, and a few rillies), 4 amano shrimp, 4 orange laser Cories, 14 CPD, 4 chili rasboras, and 4 ottos.

Then a mix of live plants. Not sure all the names but I know I have ludwiga, alancathera reinecke, busse, Java moss, vallisnerra, backs, and dwarf swords

Tank has a pretty decent bioload vs water volume but I still maintain nitrates below 20 ppm. Shrimp are breeding and fish are healthy. Snails are a mix of ramshorn and nerites.

I’m pretty happy with this setup. I’m using two hygger 8” LED and the LEDs that came with the canopy. It’s not too shabby for a planted nano



Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
I had these cool rocks. I stacked them with the base rocks sitting front to back and then the second layer sitting side to side. Two base rocks and two second layer rocks. Then the next two layers of rocks cap the cavity underneath to form a cave of sorts. The substrate is Activ Flora black sand capped with Seachem flourite black sand.

filtration is a Fluval 107 with provided mechanical and biological media with Fluval Clearmax phosphate remover and Purigen. An air stone provides additional circulation.

I have 30 cherry shrimp (reds, blues, yellows, oranges, carbon, and a few rillies), 4 amano shrimp, 4 orange laser Cories, 14 CPD, 4 chili rasboras, and 4 ottos.

Then a mix of live plants. Not sure all the names but I know I have ludwiga, alancathera reinecke, busse, Java moss, vallisnerra, backs, and dwarf swords

Tank has a pretty decent bioload vs water volume but I still maintain nitrates below 20 ppm. Shrimp are breeding and fish are healthy. Snails are a mix of ramshorn and nerites.

I’m pretty happy with this setup. I’m using two hygger 8” LED and the LEDs that came with the canopy. It’s not too shabby for a planted nano

View attachment 1537775
Nice job on the aquascape.