OScar feeding?


Global Moderator
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Global Moderator
MFK Member
Feb 13, 2007
Bronx, NYC
Duplicate thread. No need for two topics asking the same question…..
As RD. RD. said there's no need and it's against TOS as it clutters the forum and takes up unnecessary storage/space from the site. It fits under the heaading of spam. As such I merged your second thread into this one. Normally I would have done it silently while informing you R Rywe98 in the reason section of the merge alert but a recent rash of this exact problem and continued violation by new members after such explanations has inclined me to make the explanation public for transparency and to hopefully deter others who may not have read the TOS and are unaware or think it goes unnoticed.

R Rywe98 just imagine if every member created multiple duplicate threads a day. How hard it would be for people to get the help or responses they needed as their threads got buried by repeated duplicate threads. And how messy and hard to navigate the forum would become when trying to search for info. Plus the storage space that would be quickly used up causing the site needing constant upgrading. So please be considerate of your fellow members and adhere to TOS.


MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
kingdom of saudi arabia, riyadth
As RD. RD. said there's no need and it's against TOS as it clutters the forum and takes up unnecessary storage/space from the site. It fits under the heaading of spam. As such I merged your second thread into this one. Normally I would have done it silently while informing you R Rywe98 in the reason section of the merge alert but a recent rash of this exact problem and continued violation by new members after such explanations has inclined me to make the explanation public for transparency and to hopefully deter others who may not have read the TOS and are unaware or think it goes unnoticed.

R Rywe98 just imagine if every member created multiple duplicate threads a day. How hard it would be for people to get the help or responses they needed as their threads got buried by repeated duplicate threads. And how messy and hard to navigate the forum would become when trying to search for info. Plus the storage space that would be quickly used up causing the site needing constant upgrading. So please be considerate of your fellow members and adhere to TOS.
well said
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 23, 2024
As RD. RD. said there's no need and it's against TOS as it clutters the forum and takes up unnecessary storage/space from the site. It fits under the heaading of spam. As such I merged your second thread into this one. Normally I would have done it silently while informing you R Rywe98 in the reason section of the merge alert but a recent rash of this exact problem and continued violation by new members after such explanations has inclined me to make the explanation public for transparency and to hopefully deter others who may not have read the TOS and are unaware or think it goes unnoticed.

R Rywe98 just imagine if every member created multiple duplicate threads a day. How hard it would be for people to get the help or responses they needed as their threads got buried by repeated duplicate threads. And how messy and hard to navigate the forum would become when trying to search for info. Plus the storage space that would be quickly used up causing the site needing constant upgrading. So please be considerate of your fellow members and adhere to TOS.
sorry i have never been on a forum before this is my first time i didnt know that i made another thread sorry
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Global Moderator
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Global Moderator
MFK Member
Feb 13, 2007
Bronx, NYC
sorry i have never been on a forum before this is my first time i didnt know that i made another thread sorry
It's okay, I figured it was a honest mistake. As I said I only did it that way because it's been a recent issue with some new members so I figured a public notation might help inform other new members who might read your thread. I also include why it's against TOS so it wouldn't appear as an arbitrary rule. For reference here's a link to our TOS. Terms of Agreements (TOS) | MonsterFishKeepers.com

I should've also included it in my initial post but Welcome aboard, I hope you enjoy the site and interacting with the members.
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MFK Moderators
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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
You can feed twice per day, but if you do.......the amount of each feeding should be quite small, and controlled, not allowing them to gorge a will.
A few pellets early, and only a few pellets later,
not a dozen pellets each feeding twice per day.
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MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
kingdom of saudi arabia, riyadth
You can feed twice per day, but if you do.......the amount of each feeding should be quite small, and controlled, not allowing them to gorge a will.
A few pellets early, and only a few pellets later,
not a dozen pellets each feeding twice per day.
duanes duanes is right. I usually tend to feed my cichlids once a day. the 24 hour gap between each feeding allows the fish to digest the food properly without causing any bloating or other related problems. Furthermore i prefer keeping the fish a bit hungry so it searches for food in the aquarium and stays active, which stimulates natural behaviour and doesn't cause the fish to be lazy and stay at one spot.
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Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
One can feed a fish, several times a day, if the overall quantity of feed, is spread out. 10 pellets at once, 10 pellets at 10 different intervals, whatever. For species that feed in this manner in their native habitat, that might be better than everything offered in one feeding. For predatory species, the opposite may prove to be more ideal. In captivity, probably not a significant difference either way.

The unfortunate reality is that IME the vast majority of hobbyists overfeed, which creates a combination of obese fish, and excessive amounts of waste build up in their tanks & filtration systems. I see this all the time, including here on MFK.
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