sump design

  1. N

    Sump noob, seed some help

    I have always wanted to but never had the confidence to plumb a tank and run a sump. I recently bought a 75 gallon tank on Facebook marketplace for $60 with a pre drilled external eshopps medium external overflow which I will provide pictures of. I have a spare 20 gallon tall (wish it was a...
  2. H

    clay pellets in sump?

    i want to know what you guys think about clay pellets just got into hydroponics as well and have a huge bag left over. i took down my 300 gallon reef tank and wanted my discus and Arowana back in my like after 4 years.(corals sold nice). But with my sump set up, my first chamber wiil be filter...
  3. AquaticRebel

    Sump education

    I have a 4x2x2 120g that currently houses my 2 Oscars but will be home to my Bichir collection that I'm starting but will take some time to fulfill the list of my upper jaw selection ! I was thinking of upgrading from my SunSun HW 3000 canister to a sump or a refugium and I really don't want to...
  4. M

    Improve my sump!

    Hi all- I’ve got a 20 gallon tall sump under my 75 gallon main tank and I’ve been lately thinking about ways to improve it. Currently the drains (Herbie setup, one siphon one dry emergency) run into their own filter socks, the biological media is kinda just plunked in there between 2 sections...
  5. butchie

    Building a fish room

    So We have settled down in a house, the babies are getting older, and life is in general more stable. I decided to convert our garage into a workshop/fishroom. Currently I have a 150g and 2 40 g set up on sponge filters/canisters. This weekend I aquired some used tanks from someone getting...
  6. ygwilliam

    Fish breeding rack

    So I’ve decided I want to start breeding fish for some profit so that I can make some money back from the hobby. I’m going to breed dwarf cichlids and I’m going to use a racking system all connected to one sump. In total the system without the sump is about 220 gallons. Would a 55 gallon sump be...
  7. 1

    Freshwater sump set up 103 gallon

    Hi i bought a 300 gallon fish tank for my 3 stingrays. But the sump was only a 60 gallon with a crack in it. So i got a custom 103 gallon sump. I'm wanting to get this set up done right the first time. I'm wanting to run matrix seachem in one compartment and in another part I'm going to run...
  8. I

    Setup for Optimal Flow in a Moving Bed (K1) filter

    Hey, so after a bit of a false alarm with my secondhand 120 gallon tank's seals (it's been holding water for a little less than a week with no incident), I'm back to the task of figuring out how I'm going to handle the filtration and plumbing. While it's by no means necessary for a tank of this...
  9. Z

    Need advise for my 180G setup

    Hi guys! Need some advice and hope u lot can help! Am setting up my first 180G, with a 40G sump! Planning to house 40-60 African cichlids..pea pebbles as substrate, and rockscape smack in the middle! Tank will be in between 2 common areas, so it needs to be eye pleasing especially both sides...
  10. W

    Designing a sump for my 180 Gallon tank

    Hi FISH TANK PEOPLES i just got a 180 gallon tank with a built in overflow box and i'm asking for your help to designing a sump because i don't want to screw anything up. i need help mostly with the placement and size of the baffles. i don't want a refugium. something like this will work...
  11. GoldFinger

    305 Gallon Build W/ 120 Gallon Sump

    Finally made progress on my sump and tank. I will post as much information as I can in hopes it will help other newbies such as myself. Please feel free to critique as I will be filling the system soon to test everything! Tank Specs: 305 Gallons 3/4” Starphire (all walls) L 84” W 30” H 28”...
  12. Zanson

    125 to 300+ gallon upgrade [Image Heavy]

    so from the start of the 125, i always knew i wanted to upgrade the system to a sump and larger water volume. I weighed a bunch of options, between a 180 with over flows, to a plywood build of 200+ gallons. Ultimately i decided to go with Two 120 gallon tanks, with the 125 becoming a sump and...
  13. Mr Pleco

    Check valve suggestions..

    anyone have an alternative to using a PVC check valve on the sump return lines ? Had too many of these spring valves fail to work when I turn the power over to test a new sump system. Anyone have a more reliable automatic alternative to prevent water from back flowing though return lines?? (Note...
  14. Vandyfan13

    Fluidized sump

    I have bought the K1 media for my 315 gallon plywood aquarium. Now I have a question about the sump. I dont really want to go with glass or plywood. Could you make a K1 sump out of say a 55 gallon barrel; and how would you set it up. Also could you use a plastic bin and reinforce it with 2x4 so...
  15. GoldFinger

    Help with sump set-up

    Hey guys I would love some help figuring out how to build my sump. My tank will house an Asian Arowana with possible discus and a ray or eel. The tank is going to be 84x30x28 with a 3 foot external ghost overflow at the back coupled with Bean Animal drains and two returns. I would like to go as...
  16. Vandyfan13

    Opinions please

    Have the opportunity to build a pretty big tank with a custom stand. 300+ gallons. 7' by 3' any suggestions on where to put overflows for sump and other recommendations you would like done or would do to yours if you could? I should mention it will be glass too. The sump I'm building will be a...
  17. jvc66

    180 gallon filtration setup

    So I am in the process of getting ready to move to a new house and decided that I am going to upgrade to a 180 gallon acrylic tank for the ease of moving again in the next few years. I will be building my own stand to support the tank. I am now In the process of planning on how the filtration...
  18. freshfishin727

    560 GALLON 96x48x28 sump build

    So I really hope someone could give me some insight , I came across a deal for a dream tank that I couldn't pass up and we'll I need a sump now, and we all know it's cheaper to get when you know what you're exactly looking for. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Future thanks.
  19. H

    Sump size?

    Hello fellow fish keepers I am making a 130 Gallon tank dimensions are Length 66 inch, height 24 inch, width 20 inch. ( I know the dimensions are odd but that's the space I have and I want a tank there) And I plan on keeping 10-12 discus in there with a few other smaller fish But my...
  20. ShanerBock888

    Quiet and Energy Efficient Pump

    I'm in the process of building a wet/dry sump and am looking for a submersible pump that can handle 4,000 to 5,000 gph, while also being relatively quiet (will be operating in a living space) and energy efficient. Obviously, reliability is a plus. Anyone have any suggestions?