A more ethical way to live feed?

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Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
My wife would starve to death if she seen a chicken killed 🤣
I think the whole world would be a slimmer place, with a lot more vegetarians and vegans too, if people watched how animals were slaughtered, lol.
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MFK Member
Dec 28, 2022
My uncle (who is a bit of a sadist) loved to roast whole hogs. His neighbors were ahead of the times in the late 80's early 90's and had already gone full militant vegan. They called the police every time he slaughtered a hog and had a roast. After the first time police arrived and explained there had been a complaint about animal cruelty. He at much effort moved his slaughter station as close to the property line as possible. Well within full view from neighbors front porch, and would mail them an invitation to the roast. They never attended. The local sheriffs on the other hand seemed to quite enjoy their weekly trips to sample whatever he was BBQing that day. Just for the record, he was as humane in his treatment and slaughter of the animals as possible. I'm not sure the neighbors would have received treatment as kind.
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Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
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Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Hello; For those who do not understand the tub of hot water, it is for pulling feathers. Mom would stick the now dead hens into the hot water. Somehow that made it easier to pluck the feathers off. Made some rank of a smell also. Along the line of some wet dogs but different.
I got a chuckle when I read your description of this procedure; I immediately thought to myself that a huge percentage of the audience here (or anywhere else, likely...) wouldn't even understand what you were talking about...and then saw this ^ explanatory follow-up post. Definitely a good idea. :)

The great Robert Heinlein said:

"At least once every human should have to run for his life, to teach him that milk does not come from supermarkets, that safety does not come from policemen, that 'news' is not something that happens to other people."

I sometimes think that might have been expanded to include that every man should have to eat vegetables that he has grown and meat that he has slain and butchered himself. :) We could solve the overpopulation problem within a year, as half the people alive would probably whimper themselves to death. :)
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MFK Member
Dec 2, 2022
a bottomless pit.
Regarding that Governor, I think the problem people had with her is that it was her job to train the dog (as it's owner) and when she figured it was dangerous (due to some shaky evidence) she killed it, instead of properly doing her job as the dog's owner, and training it.


MFK Member
Dec 2, 2022
a bottomless pit.
I'm going to recenter the conversation, because frankly it has gone off course.
The proposition I have is as follows
I think it may be a good idea to partially sedate live feeders, to reduce the amount of stress experienced when a fish is eaten
This is my basic proposition. Because sometimes people have to live feed, if they have wild caught fish (Keep in mind, for such things as conservation, they must wild catch fish), whenever we do something in fish keeping, we almost always try to ensure it does the least harm as possible (For example, we cull defective fry in order to prevent their further suffering). So, why not do that with live feeding, why not reduce the harm done?
This is the subject of discussion.
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Probation Member
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May 16, 2011
I'm going to recenter the conversation, because frankly it has gone off course.
The proposition I have is as follows
I think it may be a good idea to partially sedate live feeders, to reduce the amount of stress experienced when a fish is eaten
This is my basic proposition. Because sometimes people have to live feed, if they have wild caught fish (Keep in mind, for such things as conservation, they must wild catch fish), whenever we do something in fish keeping, we almost always try to ensure it does the least harm as possible (For example, we cull defective fry in order to prevent their further suffering). So, why not do that with live feeding, why not reduce the harm done?
This is the subject of discussion.
Hello; I get the point, but these threads take on a life of their own. Another thing is if you throw out such comments as the following and then try to corral the topic i will not comply.
that Governor, I think the problem people had with her is that it was her job to train the dog (as it's owner) and when she figured it was dangerous (due to some shaky evidence) she killed it, instead of properly doing her job as the dog's owner, and training it.
Hello; you get to have an opinion to be sure, but you do not get to set the standards for everyone. The dog was her dog. I will presume she tried to raise it properly but cannot know that. You cannot know her evidence was shaky by the same logic. I do not for a moment think she enjoyed killing her own dog. I imagine, based on personal experience, that it was a hard thing to do.
but i have been thru this with others on this site and in life. I respect her for doing a hard thing. you jump to unsupported conclusions about her ability to train a dog. Here is your chance to drop the topic and get back to sedating feeders.
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POTM Curator
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Aug 31, 2020
The problem with the sedation is that the animal will either be awake enough to be aware it’s getting eaten (but unable to do anything about it) or be completely asleep. If completely asleep and mimicking a dead fish, the predator that will only eat live, moving prey, may not even recognize that the sedated fish as food until it wakes back up.
Theoretically this may work to train it onto dead food, but you can accomplish the same using frozen on a fishing line.
This also doesn’t negate the effects of chemical exposure.
I feed my lizards and red wolf fish crickets from the store. I could easily get bugs from outside, but I don’t know what trace pesticides they are exposed to. Even if it’s a negligible dose, it’s more than I’m willing to risk on my pet. I don’t feed live fish, but if I did I would only be using live items I bred myself so I know there’s no chemical or disease traces on them.
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