Alligator Gar not eating.

Bjorn Borg

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 30, 2023
Dear all,
I would like to ask a question please hopefully your expertise will assist me.
I have an Alligator Gar and it’s not eating. It’s been like over a month now. Before he really ate, like a lot of food thus I am now very worried.
I tried his usual favorites; shrimp, yet nothing.
I tried feeding him fresh shrimp, fresh fish, pallets, blood worms, and vibrabites, to no avail.
He is around a foot long, size wise.
Any assistance would be really highly appreciated please.
Thank you.
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MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
kingdom of saudi arabia, riyadth
alligator gars can survive a long time without having food, especially your one at that size. if it ate a lot as you mentioned then he might not be hungry. Are there any other signs? does it have a shrivelled stomach or is it being inactive. If not then its fine and will eventually eat when it needs to. if so then tell what are the water parameters and tankmates, how big the tank is

Bjorn Borg

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 30, 2023
alligator gars can survive a long time without having food, especially your one at that size. if it ate a lot as you mentioned then he might not be hungry. Are there any other signs? does it have a shrivelled stomach or is it being inactive. If not then its fine and will eventually eat when it needs to. if so then tell what are the water parameters and tankmates, how big the tank is
Thank you very much for your reply.
It is acting normal to be honest. At the moment it is in a 150 (temporary as he was with some Oscars and a Pacu in a 500 tank). Now he is alone, with no tank mates. I still feed it every single day just in case. Then the remaining food will be discarded.
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