bala shark problem


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 11, 2007
st.thomas ontario
hey, i have a tricolour shark (spark) who is about 9 inches long... suddendly develop swim bladder ... or so i think.. i was netting a fish and heard a splash looked... and he had tried to jump, hit the hood and now is belly up with no visible injuries, breathing as normal. the odd tail movement but hes dead to the world... going on 6 hours no no change. could he still be dazed from the jump? or does he have swim bladder and this triggered it...

90 gallon tank, 2 tricolour sharks, 2 tinfoils, 2 plecos, 1 oscar
water changes 40% weekly all fish are excellent health

any help would be greatly appreciated... hes my favorite fish!


Small Squiggly Thing
Apr 15, 2005
confused, lost, and lonely
Doesn't sound like swim bladder problem, more like brain damage.


Feeder Fish
Apr 28, 2016
hey, i have a tricolour shark (spark) who is about 9 inches long... suddendly develop swim bladder ... or so i think.. i was netting a fish and heard a splash looked... and he had tried to jump, hit the hood and now is belly up with no visible injuries, breathing as normal. the odd tail movement but hes dead to the world... going on 6 hours no no change. could he still be dazed from the jump? or does he have swim bladder and this triggered it...

90 gallon tank, 2 tricolour sharks, 2 tinfoils, 2 plecos, 1 oscar
water changes 40% weekly all fish are excellent health

any help would be greatly appreciated... hes my favorite fish!
Wow this has just happened to me, i must have frightened the shark and it has just smashed its head on something and absolutely wrecked its eyeball causing it to pop out and its turnt more and more red over the last few minutes. It also seems to be swimming a bit aimlessly and on the odd occasion just goes crazy and swims into things viciously. Now it is sat on the bottom of the tank and unfortunately seems like its the end of the road. Its a shame cus he is huge and have had him for yearss.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 7, 2013
Sorry for your loss, that sucks.
Balas need lots of room or they can be real skittish for sure. When I had balas in a 90 all I had was a trio with one pim. Blochi and they were okay until I added some more fish. I have five in my 450 now and they are pretty mellow as long as you don't do jumping jacks in front of the tank.