Black lancer is having aterrible time with ich

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
They're related to that fish, same Scientific Family. Conspecific aggression is expected, but from what I read they're really peaceful compared to their cousin
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Day 6 update:
Reduced rid ich dosage to once every 24hrs instead of 12hrs.
She is looking alot better, id say 98% of the ich is gone.
The angelfish that are in that tank with her decided daily water changes and the natural light schedule from the window and rid ich in the water were signs to breed. So now i have a bunch of angelfish eggs and protective parents
Thank you! @Slippery K

She is doing so well, that the beedding pair of angelfish that are with her are afraid of her lol
The angels decided to breed on day 5 of treatment.
After day 7 I stopped adding new rud ich and on day 10 I added carbon to the filter and did a water change
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