Brachyplatystoma sp. salton

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
as far as I know this type has never been exported, but this one time. this one is from Suriname. and the fish in the background is a slightly bigger vaillanti. the whiskers are melted off from catching and shipping. Below the picture is the same fish 8 months later from my customer's tank. Its amazing looking, hope he doesn't mind me sharing. :)

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Nice videos. Thanks for the infos. I only have a 135 and that's not big enough to house these beautiful cats. I'm gonna have to pass on it.
Many thanks to Wes for his authoritative and edifying opinions.

Sometimes people would post "I've seen an RTC at a LFS and want to save it". My opinion is always "no". This would be no saving but aiding and abetting what's most usually an irresponsible practice.

However, this is CL and these guys are rare and very precious, no matter capa, fila, or what not. Chances are 99.999% it won't have the fila growth rate and you could house it for a long time and then pass it along to another MFK-er when/if unable to keep.

FWIW. You do what you do.

Easy for me to say because I don't need to do anything :)