CA/SA Profile thread.


MFK Member
Apr 20, 2007

Lets keep this streamline...No comments please, just profiles....WE NEED THIS!

Since I am well versed in cons, I will start with that....Try to keep info as close to accurate as possible....

Species: (Central American)Amatitlania Nigrofasciata (convict cichlid) (re-classified from archocentrus nigrofasciatus in 2007)
Size: 4"+ for females, 6"+ for males...I have seen some anomaly's, but 6" seems to be the normal max size for a male IME....
Tank size: You will typically hear 20 long being good for a pair, and I agree. Males do not do that well together in a tank of this size though. If you want a pair and any other tank mates, you need a 6ft tank.
Diet: A varied diet is best. They will reward you with some really nice colors when fed properly. I feed my cons Pellets, squished peas, minced shrimp, minced fish of all types, some flakes at times, and they eat algae tabs sometimes.
Sexing: Convicts are easily distinguishable. Females will have an orange patch, or spots. Males do not get the orange belly, and have a nauchal hump when mature.
Water parameters: Cons are not picky....I think they do best in hard water though. I have had them breed in soft water too though. The temp should be from 75-85 I tend to stay at the higher end of the scale in the winter and the lower in the summer:screwy: This is just me though.

Pic 1: Male
Pic 2: Female

June '08 060.jpg

June '08 315.jpg


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 11, 2006
Species: (Central American) Amphilophus Lyonsi (Costa Rica & Panama) This species is endangered.

Size: Males 9-12” Females 6-8” Though I haven’t seen any over 10". YET ;)

Tank size: 55 g min for one,75 G minimum for a Pair. And this does not always work not matter how many hiding spaces you put  A 125 g is best if you are going to keep more than one.. I have kept them best in a 75 g community.. They both did better in a 125g community. Conspecific aggression was the main thing I noticed and I believe due to breeding attempts.

Diet: Omnivore. A varied diet is a good start. I like to feed quality brand pellets but I vary that as well.. I also implement Worms, grasshoppers, market shrimp, Krill, frozen brine and flake now and again.

Sexing: Venting is always my suggestion for getting 95-100% sex ID on this species. Though To note form the pics below you will notice the male when mature is more elongated and Barrel chested… Vs. The female have a more compact and football shape. Any who.. The male vent will be More pointed and look like a V when out. Female will look like a U or a open straw.

Water parameters: They are very forgiving.. I have found they will tolerate and breed in harder water conditions as they are technically from a neutral to hard water area. pH range would be 7-8 though they will tolerate slightly lower or higher. My best results as stated are in harder water.

This is a stunning species of Amphilophus and the color range is Awesome! personality of the pair and fry i own is another fun quality they have :)


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Passionate 4 pikes

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 9, 2008
Manaus, Brazil
Great idea bigspizz i have been meaning to do this for some time now:popcorn:

Species: (South american) Apistogramma gibbiceps. locally common but rare in the hobby

Size: A large apisto grows to almost 3 inches

Recommended tank setup: (this is better then tank size as you can reccomend setup suitable companions etc) 20 gallon long or at least 25 inches. the bigger the better. if a larger tank is used it can be made into a apisto community. provide plants and hiding places. the other inhabitans should not be fragile as some males may attack them. dithers are useful as target fish.

Diet: Omnivore. A varied diet is best but a staple of brine shrimp, artemia or worms is fine. it will take dry foods ussually.

Water parameters: around 5-6 is desirable but 6.5 is acceptable. softwater is a must.

this personable little "wet pet" stays small and thus is suitable for beginners. as it matures metallic shades of red and blue come in more and more.
pic one immature male
pic 2 mature male showing off

great profiles everyone keep em comin!

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 4, 2006
Species: (Central American) Cichlasoma istlanum (Mexico). Generally referred to as “istlanum”.

Size: 6-8 inches for females; 10-12 inches for males.
Tank size: A 50-55 gallon min. for a single specimen; a 75 gallon minimum for a pair.

Diet: As with most cichlids, a varied diet is preferred. They are notoriously voracious eaters and care should be taken not to over-feed them. I have not had problems feeding juvies high-protein food (60% pellets) as long as the water temp is up.

Sexing: Males tend to be bigger, more elongated, and develop a nuchal hump. Females are smaller, more compact, and tend to have more red. Venting is probably the most effective method however as individual fish vary in shape and size.

Water parameters: The main thing here is temperature. I keep mine between 82ºF and 86ºF. Cooler temperatures may lead to bloat problems.

General comments: These fish are very aggressive and males continually kill female breeding partners if dividers are not used. Istlanum are very aggressive to other fish too, killing plecos and other things that swim. I keep mine in his own tank. This fish makes a great “wet pet” as it is a very personable fish to own that bangs glass and begs for food like few others.




Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Dec 16, 2006
Species: (Central American)Parachromis Managuense, Jag, Managua cichlid( Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras)

Size:Females 10-13", Males 12-16" Bigger has been reported of 18"

Diet: (Omnivore) Should be fed a variety of foods. Base diet should include a high quality pellet or stick with a 40-50% Crude protein. Will eat live earthworms, Insects ( typically crickets) Krill, Bloodworms, feeders ( Not recommended unless you bred them), Brine Shrimp cubes, market shrimp &. Sometimes fussy when it comes to eating repetitive meals so always keep it varying.

Tank setup: 75 gallons minimum for a male managuense or female. Male will have to be moved to a 125 or larger tank once 12". Will uproot plants so planted tanks are fairly uncommon. Large Rocky setup with some Driftwood caves. Large filtration system as they are messy eaters and produce alot of waste. Water temp should be kept around 78-86 degrees F.

Water parameters: pH around 7.0-7.4 a bit softer is tolerated as well. Like harder water. Water quality must stay below 15 ppm of Nitrite with no Nitrate or Ammonia present.

Sexing: Venting is 100% accurate each time if you know how to correctly make a conclusion. Best way is to remove the fish from the water and look between anal fins. Males vent will look like this (o o) females will looks like this (o O). Notice the larger circle for the female. That is the ovipositor where eggs are deposited and will almost always stick out quite a bit more than males papilla.

General Comments: Large aggressive fish. Does well in communities based on personal experience if the tank is 180 gallons or more depending on tankmates. Very intense breeder. If you have a pair that is laying they will lay for the rest of their lives together. I love my pair to death very fun cichlid.

Female pic 1:
Male pic 2:


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MFK Member
Apr 20, 2007
Awesome guys!!!

Species: (Central American) Vieja Argentea, White Cichlid, Silver Vieja
Size: 14"+ for males 11-12" For females
Tank size: Anything 6' long and at least 18" wide will do for years. At full size these guys get to the size of large dinner plates, so you will want 2' width in the future.
Diet: Omnivorous detrivore....They will eat the full spectrum, from veggies and algae, to meats and pellets, all the way down to detritus....
Sexing: Males grow larger and develops a nauchal hump.
Temperament: Possibly one of the nastiest viejas out there...And vieja are typically pretty high on the aggression scale. There of course have been reports of these guys being able to be tanked with mates...Like most cichlids, each fish is different.
Water parameters: Hard water 7.0-8.0 Ph is acceptable. 75 degrees-85 degrees.
General notes: This fish is NOT for beginners.

Pic 1: Juvenile
Pic 2: Sub Adult

July '08 212.jpg

July '08 665.jpg


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Dec 16, 2006
Species: Vieja Hartwegi ( central America)

Size:Males up to 12" max females around 8-9"

Tanksetup: Tank of at least 4'x18" footprint as no cichlid over 8" should be kept in a 12" wide tank. Floating plants, Driftwood, rocky setup. Pair will do great in a 75.

Diet: ( omnivores) Will eat almost anything put in the tank. Very piggish fish. A steady diet of a good pellets or sticks with a 30-45% crude protein. Lots of veggies, including peas, zucchini, cucumber, Romaine Lettuce, blueberries. They do need a steady supply of protein though so 2 or 3 times a week a bloodworm cube or krill helps achieve that. Vary the diet but they aren't as fussy with meals.

Sexing: Again venting is the sure way to sex with males o o female oO. Very hard to sex at young ages. Males will usually develope more red speckaling on the gill plate and female much like Green Terrors will have solid blue around the gill plate edge.

Water parameters: pH of about 6.8-7.3. Although they are tolerant of more acidic or alkaline waters. Fussy when it comes to water quality. Must sustain a nitrate level of 10 ppm. Very know for HITH disease is water quality is bad.

General comments: Very owner responsive and fast growers. My pair has grown over 1.5 inches in about a month. Male was bought at 3" now is pushing 5" female is pushing 4". Great community fish. Not as aggressive as other Vieja's but can hold there own.

No pics avalible

Passionate 4 pikes

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 9, 2008
Manaus, Brazil
Mods!!!! this needs to be a sticky!!!!!

Species: Apistogramma pacisquamis (south america)

Size: 2 1/2" occasionally grows larger.

Tank setup: about 20 inches long or prefurably longer. heigh does not matter but whidth should be around 10". this fish is territorial and chases any fish that he sees fit to chase. smaller weaker fish are not recommended!:grinno: provide plenty of hiding places in the form of plants, rocks and driftwood for the victims of his rath.

Diet: worms,mini cichlid sticks, brine shrimp frozen, foods, artemia and most meaty foods.

Water perameters: very soft and acidic.

Temperment: territorial apisto keep whith fairly robust fish or otherwise in a big tank (over 30 inches long.)

General comments: this a beautiful and personable apisto and one that is often overlooked by beinners probably one reason it isnt common in the hobby.

pic one amateur male (?)
pic two older male getting his splendid coloring.

Apistogramma Paucisquamis 7.JPG

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Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Species: (South American) Heros efasciatus "Severum" (The aquarium strain Severum; Heros severus, the True (Mouthbrooding) Severum, is rarely found in the hobby.

: 8-9" for both sexes, Males tend to be slightly larger.

Temperament: Generally peaceful, but this particular species varies heavily from fish to fish. Quite a few Severum keepers have quite aggressive Severums, both male and female. In my experience they show more aggression towards other Severum, and fish of similiar colour and body shape. Severum are also often regarded as tank police, breaking up other Cichlid disputes using their body size.

size: 4'x15" footprint minimum in my opinion. 4'x12" (55gal) absolute minimum. Limited plants; unless fed a heavy herbivorous diet they won't exist long, even tougher species such as Java Fern and Anubias.

: A varied diet supplemented heavily with vegetable matter. While Severums are very fond of high protein meaty foods, they're herbivorous at heart and require a decent amount of vegetable matter in their diet. Peas, Romaine Lettuce, Zucchini, Cucumber, Pumpkin and other vegetables will be taken as they're not particularly picky eaters.

: Males have very extended dorsal, anal and pelvic fins. Dark and extensive 'worm' markings on the face and operculum are a usual indicator of a Male, however this is not always definite.

Water parameters: Soft water, but as a very domesticated species they are fine in most well kept water. Ideally a pH of around 6.5-7 with very low general hardness, however will do fine in neutral water up to around 8pH.

7" Female

8 1/2" Male, Gold Strain aka Gold Severum. Note facial worming not present in the female green pictured above.

Passionate 4 pikes

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 9, 2008
Manaus, Brazil
Species: Crenicichla regani (south america)

Size: 5-6 inches.

Tank setup: a tank 30 inches long will be uncomfortable for the pike shoot for something closer to 45 inches. this fish likes sand so that he can blow into it and make a burrow under a rock etc. leaves and driftwood are also needed to lower the ph and release tannins in the water. he must have numerous hideouts and cubby holes for the other fish over three inches (a fish over three inches is considered a threat and will be driven mercilessly out of his territory which can be close to two feet in diameter. fish as big as himself or bigger will be fought out too) they enjoy plants and will not bother them.

Diet: i feed mine wild cardinals straight from the amazon but for most people worms and frozen foods are a good staple.

Water perameters: soft water and a ph of 5-6 is perfect. some tannins in the water help to.

Temperment: fairly aggressive in a small tank it can be kept with apistos that are over 1 inch in fact he leaves them alone ussually.

General comments: good for the planted tank this very curious and intelligent pike is great for most tanks larger then 25 gallons.

pic 1, mature male warning a 6 inch oscar to get out of his territory.
pic 2 pike and plants

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