Clown Loach breeding and export study


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jul 30, 2008
Rhode Island
Watched a vid today by bioaquatix and he said he’s breed clowns as small as 3.5inches. Also heard a lot of the smaller ones are the ones doing the breeder.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Bioaquatix breeds clown loaches in a controlled environment, using hormones, so I'm not sure that one can compare that to the average breeding size in nature. Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) ban the export of clown loaches above 15cm/6” to protect vital brood stocks. That’s the size at which Clowns are thought to start spawning. In Sumatra, no such ban exists.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jul 30, 2008
Rhode Island
Bioaquatix breeds clown loaches in a controlled environment, using hormones, so I'm not sure that one can compare that to the average breeding size in nature. Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) ban the export of clown loaches above 15cm/6” to protect vital brood stocks. That’s the size at which Clowns are thought to start spawning. In Sumatra, no such ban exists.
Well you figure if they can start the breeding at such a small size hormones or not then in the wild they must to right.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Not necessarily. And of course that could just be smaller males taking part, not smaller females. Typically males are smaller in stature than sexually mature females. And obviously the smaller the female, the less quantity of eggs that would be produced. You don't see any photos or vids of anyone stripping roe from a 3" clown loach.

You watched the vid that Adam posted, yes? This isn't a natural process. The hatchery workers manually strip the eggs from the female, and manually fertilize them with sperm that is milked from the males. If Bioaqutix is stating that their CL's are breeding in captivity naturally, without hormones, unless they have video documentation and I have somehow missed that over the years, I'm calling BS.
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Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jul 30, 2008
Rhode Island
Not necessarily. And of course that could just be smaller males taking part, not smaller females. Typically males are smaller in stature than sexually mature females. And obviously the smaller the female, the less quantity of eggs that would be produced. You don't see any photos or vids of anyone stripping roe from a 3" clown loach.

You watched the vid that Adam posted, yes? This isn't a natural process. The hatchery workers manually strip the eggs from the female, and manually fertilize them with sperm that is milked from the males. If Bioaqutix is stating that their CL's are breeding in captivity naturally, without hormones, unless they have video documentation and I have somehow missed that over the years, I'm calling BS.
Yeah maybe males get ready early and your right you don’t see people stripping small fish. All seem over the 6inch mark. I haven’t seen them do smaller.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Still a long ways away from satisfying the export market, but this is a great start.

Musi Banyuasin Managed To Develop Botia Fish

Ornamental fish Botia (chromobotia macracanthus) successfully developed in Banyuasin, South Sumatra, in the form of cultivation technology dissemination by the Center for Research and Development of Ornamental Fish Culture (BPPBIH) Depok and Fisheries Department of Musi Banyuasin.

The success is marked by the achievement of a total production of 20,000 tail with 4-5 cm body length ranges and survival rates reached 60-65 percent ready to be exported to Europe.

Head of Fisheries Banyuasin Abdul Mukhohir said for the development of ornamental fish Botia will initiate the transfer of technology to the People’s Hatchery Unit (UPR) and create a plasma at the community level.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 30, 2007
I've come to this late and not bothered to read all the previous posts.
I have been breeding clown loaches for at least 8 or ten years now but just for myself/fun and using hormone inducement.

I have visited several fish farms in Indonesia which regularly breed clown loaches. Some of them are very large scale, estimation of 2 or 3 million fish per month.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
I have visited several fish farms in Indonesia which regularly breed clown loaches. Some of them are very large scale, estimation of 2 or 3 million fish per month.
That's very interesting. Are you certain they were actively breeding, and not simply growing out small juveniles in ponds? Posted previously, by a person in Indo who worked in the aquatic trade:

"Often, fishermen are able to trap individuals smaller than two cm. These are cheap and too small to be marketable but if they are grown out, a profit of up to 300% or more can be realised if a juvenile of 1.5 cm is raised to 3 cm. "

How about posting up some photos of these large scale operations.
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Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 30, 2007
Yes very certain they are breeding as that's the reason I visit.

I've got plenty of photos but I'm not interested in posting photos. Clown loach breeding is nothing new.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
LOL, no one said that breeding CL was new. If you had bothered to read this discussion you would know that. Plenty of documentation out there in breeding clown loaches in captivity, right down to sizes, times, temps, the hormones used, etc.

But farms in Indo breeding them, and I assume exporting them, by the millions? I would think that there would be lots of documentation on this subject, it's more than just a bit newsworthy. Yet there is nothing, but your word?

I've got plenty of photos but I'm not interested in posting photos.
Why not? You were interested enough to post in this thread, let's see what you got.