congo puffer tankmate?


MFK Member
Dec 8, 2008
Portland, ME
anyone have any suggestions for a tankmate for a congo puffer? its still growing, only like 3 inches or so now, but I havent had any luck so far.

Mike fail

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 14, 2008
ponca city oklahoma
last time i checked they dont do so good with tankmates, maybe get him/her a mate?


MFK Member
Dec 8, 2008
Portland, ME
the guy i bought it from said that it was in with another congo and one was beating on the other so i dont think so. i was looking for something that would eat up some of the leftover food it leaves everywhere. but i doubt i'll find anything.


MFK Member
Aug 16, 2008
San Antonio, TX
In the past I have had good and bad luck with these guys.

One would not tolerate tankmattes. He had a thinker substrate and could not burry all the way.

The other did fine with things that swam around the top and didnt try to go into his cave. He had a sandy substrate and would burry himself.

It may have been the difference in substrate, but with puffers you can never tell for sure.

If you want tank mates, make sure the tank is large enough to give eachother space. Make sure there are plent of hiding places so if they do get chased they can break the LOS.

Never had a problem with Plecos, just make sure you have one thats bigger than the puffer.

The only way to do it is try and see. Good rule is dont put anything in there that you are not willing to lose.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 11, 2007
I had a 1" baby congo & tried a 3" pleco in with him. By morning, all that was left was a pleco skull. All I could get to live him were snails--he never touched them.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 16, 2009
i have had green spotted puffers before and a figure 8, that was years ago and a few months ago i decided to get them again. i bought at first a 3 gallon to hold over one GSP until i went all out and got a bigger tank. i picked up a second green spotted and a 29 gallon tank. both puffers were happy but the first GSP i saw getting bullied a little bit one day and didnt see it since. he started getting all dark and stuff and not eating right so i took him to the pet store(i used to work there) so they agreed to trade me for a figure 8 and give the GSP back to the supplier saying he wasnt healthy from the start. now i have a GSP and my Figure 8 in the 29 gallon and wanted a Golden Puffer because they look really cool and i liked the irridescent stripe going down their back. but they are very hard to impossible to find near me. took a road trip for 1 hour to a huge aquarium


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 16, 2009
huge aquarium store. i saw congo puffers there!!! i was very excited, i have been reading about them and debating getting one because of their temperament. i saw them and i swear he said "take me home". so i went against everything i have read and decided to get him anyway to put in my tank which i originally wanted 3 or 4 different species of puffers. and a bigger tank eventually once the lease is up on my house and i move to my new place. but so far so good(knock on wood) he hasnt messed with the algae eater, or either of the two puffers i had previously. hes not very active, but does bury himself a lot already. the reason i thought i may be ok with having him in there with the others is because he was the docile one at the pet store. just sitting at the bottom of the tank and only moved if he was forced to move. had him in there for 48 hours and have seen him eat 3 ghost shrimp and a little bit of blood worms. anyone else know good food to give them. i did the snails for my other puffers and he didnt seem interested as many sites have said about them.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 16, 2009
sorry such a long post and in someone elses but i couldnt find the post new topic or anything of the such, but this is my first post and figured i would give a summary of my puffer experience(s)


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 11, 2007
Your tank is a massachere waiting to happen. Please return the Congo & F8 or GSP. The Congo will eventually kill everything in there. I had a baby Congo who killed a pleco 3x it's size. The Congo is a FW fish, F8 requires low-end BW & the GSP requires high-end BW/SW as an adult. Also, the GSP needs a minimum of a 30g tank & can't be combined with the F8 in only 29g.

Try doing some research before buying any fish!!!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 16, 2009
yeah i know the GSP and F8 require BW as adults. like i said i am upgrading to at least a 75 when i move out in a few months, but until then im taking my chances that everyone survives. the congo was too cool and too hard to find. but once i move the congo will stay in the 29 and the F8 with the GSP will go into my 75+, whatever i go with. i did plenty research and i know the risk of the congo killing everything else. but he is very docile, i watch him very closely when i get home from work every night from a far so he does not know i am there and i see him swimming around, he swims around the other puffers not even giving them a second look. the pleco i have was even eating his algae wafer on the sand right next to the burried congo, also hasnt messed with the red crab i have at all he eats the hell out of the ghost shrimp though. please dont assume that i dont research my stuff before i get it. i worked in a pet store for damn near 3 years and i know puffers and their natures. and by the way, my F8 and GSP i started to turn slowly into BW, there is a very very low SPG in the tank and the congo is doing just fine. i dont plan on going any further BW until i move and get the congo out of there. but like i said putting him in there was a known risk i was willing to take. i did plenty of research, i went into the pet store not intending to bring him home because of how aggressive congos are. he just hangs out burried and chasing ghost shrimp, he doesnt seem aggressive at all, i know i cant go by that just yet, but he just seems very docile.