Fish smugglers


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
I am not sure what the exact substance used is but apparently it’s very quick and very effective.
This was for turtle eggs, from the link I posed above; The seized eggs were euthanized "by being plunged in liquid nitrogen."
I guess that would do the trick...


MFK Member
Mar 2, 2017
New Zealand
As T thiswasgone said, euthanised 100%.
I’m not sure how it goes in other countries but here in oz if the authorities found you had one of these fish in your home tank you would get a visit and they pour some kind of super concentrated bleach into your tank that wipes out every living organism right down th the bacteria, leaving it completely sterile. No second chance and it doesn’t matter what else you have it all gets blitzed.
That’s why I am so shocked they only got a tiny fine for their first offence when it’s taken so seriously .
I wonder how many times they have been successful befor they were caught.
The national aquarium here(And presumably others) have a few fish that were confiscated from smugglers or otherwise illegal imports. But it's certainly the exception.

When a shipment of glofish somehow managed to get imported, through the multiple inspections during quarantine, get to shops and then sold. The claims after were that all of the buyers were tracked down and all of their tanks were poisoned/bleached to kill everything, including tanks that the glofish weren't in. But, no one could actually point to any individual, or first hand claims of that being done. Just 3rd, 4th, 5th etc hand stories.


MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
LOL what Hell with a host country's laws,dammit I'm rich!
That seemed to be his attitude, his punishment was a $50K fine and he had to make a public service video explaining the law, he looked like a sulking schoolboy in it, and didnt take it seriously at all. i would have given him a few weeks picking up rubbish on the side of the freeway in the middle of summer instead. Would have taught him a lesson for his pampered rich ways.

The national aquarium here(And presumably others) have a few fish that were confiscated from smugglers or otherwise illegal imports. But it's certainly the exception.

When a shipment of glofish somehow managed to get imported, through the multiple inspections during quarantine, get to shops and then sold. The claims after were that all of the buyers were tracked down and all of their tanks were poisoned/bleached to kill everything, including tanks that the glofish weren't in. But, no one could actually point to any individual, or first hand claims of that being done. Just 3rd, 4th, 5th etc hand stories.
Thats funny as i havent heard of it first hand either but have heard it enough to assume its true. A LFS owner once told me she never touches anything illegal even though she gets heaps of offers as her whole shop runs off of a closed loop filter system and if she was caught the authorities would "Nuke every tank in the shop" when describing what would happen.
I knew a vietnamese who had a giant shed on his property that he operated as a backyard fish shop, he had an asian aro, the only one i have ever seen. His wife caught him banging her sister and informed the authorities. Unfortunately for him he also had a false wall with a nice hydroponic marijuana set up behind it. He got in trouble for the herb but his wife also told me "they killed all the fish", im not sure how but assumed it was the same method. He vanished after that, not sure what happened. His wife was sexy as hell too, god knows what he was thinking, as a randy 17 year old i used to visit to look at her more than the fish.