herichthys carpintis rio hondo

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Been waiting for Coa to get back to me

I think I may have found Escondido caprintis. Last night I was at a LFS and I believe they looked like Escondido and were labeled as such. The color and patterns were amazing at even a small size. I checked the web site, and the pic they have aren't that great. I don't think there you have to spend a certain amount.
Check out www.thatpetplace.com.
Here is my little 1.5" Rio Hondo from CoA. Couldnt get a very good pic cause he never stops moving, pic barely does him justice. very pretty little fish already.
Dan Sharifi owns CoA. He's been a vendor for a long time, I believe he'd be more of a breeder than an importer.

He does CA Cichlids almost exclusively, no Pleco's, very few SA Cichlids. He breeds his fish himself at his facility in his tanks, according to his website.

If I were going to breed Carpintis, I'd want to be as sure as I possibly could be that the fish I''m starting with really are from the collection point that is claimed by the seller. I wouldn't trust my LFS with that. I'd order from CoA or Rapps to start a long term breeding project.

Next time I get some Carpintis, that's exactly what it's going to be--I love the fish, and plan to dedicate 2 or more tanks to them soon. It's almost like they glow. The Rio Hondo's are the best ones I've seen.
All the carpintus are omnivores with a mainly herbivorous side, meaning they eat mostly algae, and detritus in nature. But also being opportunists they will not pass up an occasional high protein meal if tt presents itself.
I fed mine pellets high in spirulina. In fry tanks I always let algae grow profusely on decor and all sides except the viewing window to allow constant grazing.

Dan Sharifi owns CoA. He's been a vendor for a long time, I believe he'd be more of a breeder than an importer.

He does CA Cichlids almost exclusively, no Pleco's, very few SA Cichlids. He breeds his fish himself at his facility in his tanks, according to his website.

If I were going to breed Carpintis, I'd want to be as sure as I possibly could be that the fish I''m starting with really are from the collection point that is claimed by the seller. I wouldn't trust my LFS with that. I'd order from CoA or Rapps to start a long term breeding project.

Next time I get some Carpintis, that's exactly what it's going to be--I love the fish, and plan to dedicate 2 or more tanks to them soon. It's almost like they glow. The Rio Hondo's are the best ones I've seen.
I couldn't agree more with this. I bought my carpintis at the lfs labeled Herichthys cyanoguttatus. Found out they were carpintis and that was cool. The female ended up with Lymphocystis and eventually the male as well. They were beautiful fish and I enjoyed them, but next time I will fork over the cash for some from a reputable source. My plan is to order several species of fish on my bucket list at one time that way it is easy to meet the minimum. Another option would be to find someone else in your area who wants to order something from the same vendor and split the minimum and shipping.

Splitting the order with another fish keeper is a good idea. The last time I ordered from COA, that's what I did, and because it was a large order, we had it shipped airport to airport, so the fish were only in transit less than 12 hours. Here are some pics from that order.

in another order from COA I got 15 Criboheros rostrum
I have a Rio Hondo from COA. He's about 4" right now. He's been a slow grower. Eats anything I put in the tank. He gets NLS, Hikari Bio Gold, spirulina flakes, North Fin Tropical sticks. He's in a 210 with some larger more aggressive CAs. I've kept cyanoguttatus and carpintis "Escondido" and the Rio Hondo really stands out. I'll try to snap some photos this week.
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Thanks guys! I should have my rio hondos in a couple days from coa. Also just ordered some northfin cichlid food, but looks like I will need to by more omnivore based food. Have you guys used hikAri excel with these guys? What's good omegA or nls food for these guys? Trying to avoid high protein stuff
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