Lost my dog Enzo Sunday, missing him loads


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 24, 2008
Wirral, UK
Real sorry for your loss. Lovely dog.
cherrish those memories.
Ours is four and I dread the day. After the last one we said we would never get another but you just have to…… the love they give is unconditional.
All the best.
aye its a bitter sweet thing dog ownership. Best beings ever and the best company but as you say each time you lose one you think never again but life would be so dull without one.
Enzo was onlu just 5 which I think has made this time worse


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
It's always horrible. I have lost one as young as 7 to cancer...horrible.

Our last dog prior to Duke was 17 when she had to be put down; had been with us her entire life. As recently as the week before, she was still waiting by the door to go for her several-kilometer morning walk with me. I had to fly out for work only two days before she suddenly collapsed; my wife had to take care of things alone, and I received the call at work that afternoon. We were both utterly devastated; I had known for several years each time I flew that when I said goodbye to Sheba it might be the last time I would see her. That time it was.

Horrible, every time, no matter how old, how young...horrible. :( But life goes on. Remember the wonderful 5 years, not the unpleasant last few weeks. :)