

Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 25, 2021
If you ask me, MonsterFishKeepers blows the vast majority of its competition (eg: FishLore) right out of the water. Active, friendly, and good information on fish ranging from neon tetras to arapaimas.

The only other site on a same/similar level (well at least for loaches) is Loaches Online. And even then, as of late, they seem a bit....lackluster compared to their pre-2010 glory days.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jan 19, 2007
Laguna Beach
MFK is the best site for keeping just that, monster size fish. As far as it being the best, most active site with a knowledgeable base, then no, not by a long shot.

I have been here for 15 years (back then there were 2 or 3 other sites dedicated to keeping predatory fish), and it is more or less my home, but when you go to other forums and see how they do things there, it's almost like going from the WWE into the UFC. MFK is bare bones, somewhat knowledgeable and all for show, whereas other forums are full on aquarium geeks. The get into the specifics and scientific side of things and we just don't see a lot of that here.

So as I see it...... Is MFK the best? No, it is not
Is MFK a great place to start? Yes it is.


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
One thing I’ve noticed here is a better knowledge of the nature and wild side of fish.
On another place, they’d call you crazy for putting a molly with a dempsey. Here, that’s the most logical choice for a tankmate considering they actually live together in nature.
Also people here are quicker to help an immediate problem before attacking someone’s stocking (unless of course that is the issue). When my gt lost an eye, I posted to puffer forum (basically dead now) about a way to help treat it. Can’t say I got any advice besides that I was irresponsible and my tank was disgustingly overstocked. It was overstocked, but I would have preferred get advice on how to rescue a dying fish (immediate issue) before addressing the stocking (more long term).


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
The get into the specifics and scientific side of things and we just don't see a lot of that here.
Things can, and do, quite regularly get into the "science of things". We have some extremely knowledgeable members. If they're not answering a thread off the top of their heads, then they're attaching papers and studies and such.

If I'm honest I find a lot of the more in depth detailed information well beyond my understanding, but a lot of people love the "nerdy" stuff, nothing wrong with that.

If the forum was extremely science based all the time I'd be off, it'd just be too overwhelming for me, my eyes would glaze over every thread I read, lol. The mix we have now, I feel, is just right.


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 25, 2021
One thing I’ve noticed here is a better knowledge of the nature and wild side of fish.
On another place, they’d call you crazy for putting a molly with a dempsey. Here, that’s the most logical choice for a tankmate considering they actually live together in nature.
Also people here are quicker to help an immediate problem before attacking someone’s stocking (unless of course that is the issue). When my gt lost an eye, I posted to puffer forum (basically dead now) about a way to help treat it. Can’t say I got any advice besides that I was irresponsible and my tank was disgustingly overstocked. It was overstocked, but I would have preferred get advice on how to rescue a dying fish (immediate issue) before addressing the stocking (more long term).
Honestly I agree with this. On most other sites I'd probably get attacked on sight for what I'm putting my rescue fighter fish with, something I have yet to see any reason MonsterFishKeepers would do.
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Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 25, 2021
One other thing I'd like to add is that the name of the site, at least for me, invokes a mental 'let's do this!' And with a name like MonsterFishKeepers it's easy to see why.

Most other sites, on the other hand.....don't. EG: TropicalFishKeeping, fishforums, FishLore, MyAquariumClub, they pale in comparison.

Loaches Online (in and of itself a not particularly 'let's do this' name, but it is moreso than the rest and they had me at Loachaholic anyway) and Planet Catfish (for which registration is a real pain in the neck, and I have yet to actually sign up succesfully?) are the only other ones that get me from their names.

Consequently these 3 sites appear to have a lot more experts and fishkeepers who have 'taken it to the next level'. This makes me wonder if my viewpoint is shared by the aforementioned users, who for all the world seem to prefer the better named sites.
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MFK Member
May 18, 2020
Monsterfishkeepers is great for a lot of things not only monster fish but some of the meaner regular sized fish as well.
That being said, other forums I view on the same level are, aquariumcoop forums, cichlid-forums (for cichlids), pufferforums (for pufferfish) and planetcatfish (for catfish).
Also, many of the facebook groups have good focused information for the fish they are focused on. An example could be pufferfish enthusiasts worldwide
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