
Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 16, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I have a 125g heavily planted tank that has
been in operation since April of 2003 with (3) Magnum 350(one of them has a phospate pad and micron pad wrapped around media canister) and (1) HOT Magnum 220 filter all with half Laquna Bio Media and Seachem Matrix Biosupport media. In the event of a power loss (I live in Florida) I have 2 battery operated air pumps with two sponge filters that are on a timer that activate from 10pm to 1030am. A Carbo Plus CO2 system set on 7 bars (70%) output. Aquanetic 15IL UV sterilizer, ECO Aqualizer Ionizer X 225, and 3 100watt submersible Heaters set at 88 degrees F. Substrate is (2) part laterite and 1 part fine gravel 3 inches deep. Lighting: (2) 36" Nova Extreme T 5 HO with lunar lights using (8) 36" slimpaq T5 HO 39w 6700k compact Flouresent Bulbs which are on a timer along with the CO2 and UV from 1030am to 10pm. Lunar lights activate at 10pm til 1am. Fish include: 13 Discus, 5 Rummy Nose Tetras, 2 German Blue Rams, 1 Gold Rams, 4 Oto's, 1 Clown Pleco(when purchased I didn't realize he only ate bogwood, but he grew on me), 1 Bristle Nose, 1 Clown Loach(for snail control, but he didn't get the memo), 2 Golden Asian Clams, and lastly a bunch of Ghost and Cherry Red Shrimp. My maintenance sched is 20g water change every Fri and 30g at the end of each month with Alternating half tank gravel vaccuming on the second and last week of each month. I had a RO system installed in the house for better quality water prep for the tank. My question finally. On the the 23rd I did a larger water change than usual (35g), half tank vaccuming, cleaned two filters (a Magnum 350 and HOT Magnum 220), and added Kent Discus Essential, half dose of Cycle and Marc Weiss Immuno vital all seemed fine. On the morning of the 24th I noticed the water kinda cloudy I didn't think much of it and went about the day. Later in the afternoon I noticed one of the discus(3" white dragon) away from the group in the top corner of the tank and hiding behind the intake/outlet valve. Further investigation revealed pop eye on right eye. I freaked and looked up disease index for a cure. It stated Melafix, so I went and purchased Melafix pond. I check ph 6.8, Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0. Dosing for the Mela fix pond was 5ml per 50g, I added 10ml. Today I added 10ml Melafix and I noticed three of the Discus were occasionally darting around rubbing against leaves and another at the top column gasping for air(it seemed). I turned on air pumps. I dont know what to do? I wasn't sure if that was a reaction from the Melafix or flukes. I have some Seachem polyguard, but before I add, I wanted check forum for guidance. I'm nervous and at my wits end. The only thing that is new is the larger than normal water change and the addition of four little baby Snake skin discus(which brought my total up to 13) that I got from a friend who decided he didn't want to bother with discus anymore(Hey, free discus when was the last time you heard that). They were so tiny (1 quarter size, 1 nickel, and 2 a little smaller than a nickel)and cute I couldn't resist. I quarentined them prior to adding to my tank a couple weeks ago. My quarentine tank now has a couple adult angels from another tank and I don't have any other tanks to move them too. HELP! 25 Dec 2005 25g water change. 26 Dec 2005 50g water change. I did a 30g water change this morning and 30g again this evening. I fed the kid some blackworms this evening about 6:15pm they all came up and ate and were generally hanging around the feeding corner. I received my phosphate test kit and Phosguard today in mail and my phosphate level is in excess, I think thats what the cloudiness is. I put 1 cup of phosguard in filter bag and placed in canister filter 9:15pm. 11:20pm 27 Dec 2005 one of the little baby discus died. Anyone have any guidance?