new black fin shark

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
You did good. It is prudent to research before getting any fish and to know that you can take care of it for its life. It's a responsible thing to do. Here are a few threads that woul tell you a lot about colombian sharks:!&highlight=colombian+shark

It maxes out at ~1.5'. Sub-adults and adults require a full marine water or at least high end brackish to live long and happy. I've read on several occasions on MFK forums that some keepers succeeded in bringing them up to 1' in full fresh water (a very rare accomplishment, 99.9% of them die young if kept in freshwater and not transitioned gradually to more and more brackish then to marine) but all of them started to have problems sooner or later and all lost their fish way well before fish's time.

They are born in freshwater so they are ok in it when very young. They start migrating back to the sea, slowly, feeding and growing a lot in brackish waters and then in marine. They come back to the freshwater to spawn and then return to the seas.
We've all made that mistake at one point.. heck I've even made it in the past few years so many species out there and sometimes its hard to ID them.. glad you mad imo a wise choice as eventually the cat and Oscar may have been a poor match and to much load for your 55. You may still wish to upgrade your tank in the future since a 55 is on the small side for an Oscar for life.